He Refused To Cook For His Stepsiblings, And Now His Dad Is Calling Him Cruel
by Jayne Elliott
It’s not always easy for kids to adapt to blended families. Going back and forth between parents after a divorce can be difficult too.
In today’s story, one dad is mad at this son for not cooking when he’s with him but cooking when he’s with his mom.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
AITA for telling my dad he’s crazy if he thinks I’m going to his house during the week just to make food for his stepkids?
My parents are divorced. I (16m) now live with mom and visit dad every other weekend. The change happened about a year ago.
The judge won’t let me stop going on those weekends, but I wish I could.
I have a younger brother (14) and a younger sister (11). My dad’s married and has a stepson (10) and a stepdaughter (7).
He asked me a couple of weeks ago to come to his house after school and make food for them before going home.
His dad asked him why he doesn’t make food for his siblings at his house.
He asked this because he found out that I sometimes make food for my siblings when mom works.
He asked me about it the next weekend I was over there. He wanted to know why I never did that at his house.
I said I just didn’t.
He told me I could have made food for all four of the kids.
I told him no, that wasn’t happening.
He asked why.
He shared why he won’t make food for the stepkids.
I said because I don’t mind making something for me and my siblings but I’m not making food for just anyone.
He told me his stepkids are my siblings too just not by blood.
I told him they’re not my siblings and I never said they were.
The dad wants him to cook for the stepkids even when he’s not staying there.
Then two weeks ago he asked to go and cook for his stepkids after school. This is during weeks my siblings are home with me and mom and weeks they’re with him.
I told him no and he made that weekend super annoying.
My mom told him to leave me alone, I’m a kid, and I already chose not to keep 50/50 custody so he’d want to cherish the time he has with me.
He told mom to shut up.
She told his dad he’s “crazy.”
I didn’t do what he asked.
He then mentioned it to me Sunday and that’s when I told him he’s crazy if he thinks I’m going to his house for the week just to make food for his stepkids.
He told me if I can do it for my siblings I can do it for them.
I told him I love my siblings. That’s why I do it.
Then it was like he focused on me calling him crazy and he said it’s not crazy to expect family to treat each other the same.
He says I’m showing blatant favoritism for my blood siblings and not my siblings through marriage.
He told me it’s cruel to be so blunt about it.
I don’t think the dad should rely on or expect a 16-year-old kid to cook meals for his stepkids.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
This reader thinks they didn’t do anything wrong.
This person thinks the dad wants him to be “a free nanny.”
Another reader pointed out who should be feeding the stepkids.
This person thinks he should charge the dad for meals.
This reader warns about parents who push too hard to blend families.
Another reader calls the dad’s request “ridiculous.”
Maybe he could offer to give his dad a cooking lesson.
I’m not sure he would accept it, though.
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