Her Brother Spent Years Littering The Yard With Plastic Pellets, So His Sister Has Spent Decades Returning Them One By One
by Heather Hall
Siblings know how to get under each other’s skin, and revenge can be sweet when the opportunity presents itself.
So, what would you do if your brother spent years littering your childhood yard with plastic airsoft pellets that you still find today?
In the following story, a sister finds herself in this very situation.
Here’s what happened.
Brother absolutely pollutes our childhood home and yard with plastic, he gets it back in pieces for decades.
My (34F) younger brother (31M) had a penchant for anything that shot projectiles as a kid.
We both grew up learning how to shoot from our dad and had a pretty large backyard to practice in.
We couldn’t shoot real bullets because the neighbors were too close, but we used the **** out of a pellet pistol, and he had several airsoft guns.
Bro used to chase me and my friends around spraying us with the plastic airsoft pellets.
All in good fun, and he was in much less shape than I was at the time so I usually could outrun him no problem.
He estimates he shot around 50,000 of these little plastic balls over the course of a few years.
Fast-forward to now, and we both regularly visit our parents’ house, where we work at the family business in the backyard.
As they say, you reap what you sow.
Every time it rains or the area gets mowed, some of these red pellets pop up from their graves. I have been finding them and collecting them for years.
Sometimes, I leave them on his workbench for him to discover when I’m not around. Sometimes, I hand them to him directly.
Sometimes, I put them in his car on the driver’s seat. I’ve even roped in some of our coworkers on the joke, and now they return any pellets they find to him.
Bro just rolls his eyes and tosses them into the trash while I smile sweetly and remind him that I won’t shoot him point-blank in the forehead while he’s napping on the couch as he did to me when we were in high school.
That’s hilarious! And it’s even better when you can get others in on the fun, too.
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit responded to this situation.
This family took steps to avoid the same issue.
This person has a similar situation they are thankful for.
Here’s a great idea.
According to this person, it’s nice to hear about rivalry with no resentment.
Sounds like they’ll be finding these things for years to come.
Glad it’s all in good fun.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · airsoft pellets, family business, petty revenge, picture, reddit, sibling rivalry, silly prank, top

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