Her In-Laws Didn’t Lift A Finger To Help Out When She Got Married, So She Refused To Help Out At A Birthday Party
by Matthew Gilligan
Why do some folks out there think that they can get away with whatever they want and that it will never come back to haunt them?
It’s maddening!
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel…in the form of petty revenge!
Are y’all ready for a quality petty revenge story from Reddit?
Get started now!
If you are selfish at my wedding I’ll be selfish at your birthday party.
“My mother in law did absolutely nothing to help with our wedding. They did nothing because I wanted to plan it and execute it my way and not do exactly what they wanted.
Things were extremely difficult the entire time leading up to and during our wedding because of my mother in law. I asked both sets of our family and any friends if they could help clean up after our wedding.
Only because we were in a hall and needed to be out by a certain time and my husband and I needed to leave to catch our honeymoon flight. Otherwise we would clean ourselves.
You know what happened next…
Everyone was super supportive and got it done. My in laws sat there and did absolutely nothing. My best friend recorded them sitting while everyone cleaned up around them. That was almost 5 years ago.
Today my husband’s side of the family gathered to celebrate my MIL’s 60th birthday and I sat quietly while all the guests leave and things wind down.
She came and asked me “Oh Sweetie can you get up and help the family clean? Everyone is doing their part.”
I politely looked at her and my husband and said “I can’t because I don’t want to.”
They all looked at me in shock. Only my husband knows why I refused to help, but it doesn’t matter to me because I got my revenge.”
Reddit users spoke up.
This person has an idea…
Another Reddit user thought it was going in another direction.
This individual chimed in.
Another Reddit user has been there…
And this reader had a lot to say.
That’s called PAYBACK.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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