Her Landlord Took Her Bed Away And Said She’ll Get A New One Eventually, So She Refuses To Pay Her Rent Until She Gets It
by Matthew Gilligan
This story reminded me of something that happened to me when I was in college…
It was my sophomore year and I moved into an apartment that was owned by a local company that I later found out were total slumlords.
After I moved in with my roommates, it took the company TWO WEEKS to get me a bed that I should’ve had on Day One.
Ugh, I’d rather forget all the bad things that happened that year…
Anyway, check out this Reddit story and see if you think this woman is acting like a jerk.
AITA for not wanting to pay the rent until I get a bed after the landlady sold mine from underneath me?
“Turns out my landlady has a lot, and I mean a lot, of debt on the place I’m renting to the point the bank might take it away from her.
This doesn’t sound like a good situation…
I also currently have 4 male flatmates which is not that fun, as I’m pretty much the cleaning lady and the tenants also change a lot (I had 4 different flatmates in just the last 4 months). We pay for the rooms, so me leaving won’t hurt them.
I only found out about the bank thing recently and because I don’t want to be suddenly evicted I decided to move out next month, she was nice to me before and I always helped out too whenever she asked me to so I thought we had a good relationship.
Guess not…
Less then a week into me handing in my 30 days notice and telling her I’m leaving for medical reasons (which is partly true, but I also didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her that I know about the bank situation, I also have a new place lined up where I will have only one flatmate) she put up both my bed and desk that I’m using on sale.
They are taking my bed away tomorrow and she said I would get a new at the latest by the time I came back next sunday (9th of May), as I’m leaving for the week for medical reasons.
I asked why can’t I get the other bed now, she said because the other tenant (her friend) is using it and I will get it when he brings up the other one which should happen during the week.
Doesn’t make much sense…
Fun fact is, he has two beds in that room, no reason why I couldn’t get the smaller one now, but “I just have to be patient, I will get the bed when I come back for sure”.
Yeah, **** that.
She said she wanted us to take the frame out of the room today and I would sleep on the mattress, so “I wouldn’t be late from work in the morning.” I told her no, I will take the bed outside the room in the morning. No sooner.
Here’s where I might be the *******.
Since she decided to take my bed away, I decided not to pay the last rent until I get the other bed (I have to pay on the 10th, by which time, if she was truthful, I should already have the other bed).
To give me the other bed, they will also come into my room while I’m not here which makes me really uncomfortable so I’m taking all my valuable/important stuff with me, because after all this I don’t trust them.
I told some people about the situation and some agree my landlady is not being fair, but some think me taking my important stuff and not wanting to pay the rent until I get the new bed is too much and I’m an ******* if I do that because she’s having such a hard time.”
And here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.
This person said she’s NTA.
Another person agreed.
This individual chimed in.
Another person offered some advice.
And this Reddit user thinks everyone in this story SUCKS.
Playing hardball with the landlord…
You gotta love it!
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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