Mean Old Man Harassed Kids And One Of Their Fathers, So The Dad Drove The Guy Nuts By Not Taking Care Of His Lawn
by Matthew Gilligan
We see a lot of Reddit revenge stories that deal with lawns, but this one is special…
And you’re gonna see what I mean when you dig into the story below!
Check out what happened: we are certain you’ll be impressed.
Lawn care revenge.
“Quite some time ago I lived in a tiny town and me and my good close buddy looooved skateboarding.
We would ride our boards where ever we could. One issue we had is as we rode our skateboards to his house after school on the (public) sidewalk, the house 2 houses down from him was owned by a very mean old man.
There’s one in every neighborhood…
This old man would sit on his porch and yell and scream at us for whatever his issue was with us.
I think he just didn’t like joy and fun. But he claimed private property (public sidewalk), destroying property (we were just sidewalk surfing. No damage), and destroying the peace (dude it’s 4 in the afternoon we just got out of school).
He made it very clear we were not allowed to ride out skateboards anywhere near his house.
Another thing…
This curmudgeon also kept an absolute immaculate lawn (more power to ya bud I like a good lawn). I’m talking pro baseball field levels of mowing lines in this grass. It was honestly impressive.
We mentioned this old man’s harassment to us to my buddy’s father but he shrugged it off. “Ahhh leave the old man alone just ignore him and do your thing”.
But then said old man comes to the house and really gives my friend’s dad the business. Gives all the complaints but then then the kicker. He tells him he’s a bad father and should be ashamed of himself for letting his kids be….kids?
Oh, really?
For the rest of the time I hung out there his dad would purposefully mow his own lawn in the most bizarre awful patterns. Purposefully leave certain areas fully grown and unkempt.
Only for the purpose of making this grinch of a neighbor angry and frustrated. It literally took him longer to mow his lawn to do it “badly” but it was worth it to him.
Knowing old man can see his lawn from his porch and ruin his “vision” of a perfect life.
Old man complained constantly about the yard to papa bear but he could nothing. This isn’t some HOA buddy we life in a small town and “I can do whatever I want on my property” was always his response.
Thanks for sticking up for us and letting me eat all your peanut butter.”
Reddit users spoke up.
This reader shared a story.
Another person spoke up.
This Reddit user chimed in.
This reader talked about their dad.
And this person had a lot to say.
This dad went above and beyond!
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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