Parents Give An Ultimatum About Babysitting, But Sister’s Neglect Leads To Much More Drama At Home
by Diana Whelan
Babysitting your sibling sounds like an easy way to avoid paying rent—unless your sister is a bundle of energy with special needs.
One sister thought she could handle it, but a disastrous movie night proved her wrong. Now, she’s out a job, a car, and maybe a place to live.
Who’s really at fault here?
Read on for the story.
AITA for refusing to babysit my sister
When I (24f) graduated, my parents told me I either had to get a job and pay rent, babysit my sister (12f) and live at home rent free, or move out.
I chose to babysit my sister but she is a nightmare to take care of. She has autism and adhd and acts like a 5 year old.
If you take your eyes off her for a second, she either runs away or breaks something and she always has to stay busy.
That sounds…busy.
I’m allowed to see my friends when I watch my sister but I have to take her with me. I don’t like it but most of my friends think she’s adorable so it’s fine.
We had plans to go to the movies last week but my sister doesn’t do well at the movies so I gave her her iPad and told her to stay in her playroom and left.
No you didn’t.
She ended up running out and my neighbor got her inside and called my mom. She came home early to take care of my sister.
I turned my phone off so I didn’t know any of this was happening.
When I got home my mom started screaming at me for leaving my sister home alone. She wanted to kick me out but my dad wouldn’t let her.
Now I’m not allowed to watch her and my friend is her new nanny and they gave my car to her (they said that since it was in their name and they paid for everything, they can do whatever they want).
My mom is making me get a job and start paying for rent/utilities/food by the end of the month and won’t speak to me so I wanted to know if I was the a****le.
Uh, so you left your 12-year-old sister, who needs constant supervision, home alone…and thought an iPad would do the trick?
Reddit’s not having it.
She is definitely the AH.
Like sure, it’s hard, but REALLY?
From babysitter to banished…
Looks like she learned the hard way that some responsibilities can’t be shrugged off.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, autistic, babysitting, cinema, movie, picture, punishment, reddit, sisters, special needs, top

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