September 4, 2024 at 8:22 am

Their Neighbors Were Terrible To Them, But They Got Even By Blasting Awful Music And Leaving Them A Gross Surprise

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/Pexels

Bad neighbor stories are all over Reddit, there’s no denying that.

Some revenge stories are good, some are great, and some are EPIC.

I believe this story belongs in the last category.

Check out what happened and try not to laugh!

I had an awful neighbor so…

“When I was 19 I rented my own house with my partner + dog. Was immediately clear the area was a clique and I was never going to fit in.

I was constantly getting ‘important looking’ mail for the previous tenants and despite returning to sender, I kept getting them.

I knocked at one of the neighbors and asked if they knew the previous tenants and handed them a bunch of the mail because they said they knew them & still spoke to them.

Things went off the rails.

The next day the previous tenant tried to break into the house and was screaming at me to get out of the house because I had their mail…

Anyway, they all then started submitting false complaints to the authorities such as us having “fun” at the window; having loud parties; being abusive etc.

All not true and therefore without evidence.

It was GO time.

Eventually I decided to just play up to their bull.

At the time I worked nights so maintained that routine when off, so between the hours of 1am-5am I would intermittently BLAST heavy bass music (literally held the speaker on the wall).

I’d do it in 5ish second intervals so that they’d wake up but wouldn’t have a chance to record anything.

I did this every single night and they never managed to get proof.

Sounds pretty unbearable to me!

The day before we moved out, I spent the night annoying them with the absolute worst songs; I’d play trap remixes of Xmas tunes (full of bass) and general irritating noises like fog horns.

They weren’t done yet…

During the night I snuck out and had mixed up this god awful concoction of whatever condiments I could find in my house (lots of Asian ingredients such as fish sauce).

It was truly the most revolting smell, and I absolutely covered their front & back door in this liquid.

They came out as we were packing up the moving van, started taking photos of their doors whilst I whistled Xmas tunes and drove off.

Incredibly petty. Incredibly immature. But they were all such jerks.”

Check out how Reddit users reacted.

This reader shared a story.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another individual chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person was mightily impressed!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Being a bad neighbor is never a good idea…

When will people learn?

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.