Daughter Was Given Some Land By Her Dad Years Ago, But Now That He’s Gone Her Siblings Think That The Land Should Be Split Between Them All
by Michael Levanduski
When a parent gives one of their kids something during their life, that does not impact inheritance unless otherwise agreed upon.
What happens when your siblings demand that you split up what your father had gifted you years ago before they sign off on other things that are in probate?
That is what the daughter in this story is dealing with and she isn’t sure what she should do.
Check it out.
WIBTA if I didn’t give my siblings an equal share of the land that our dad gave me?
My dad passed away a few months ago.
I am the youngest of his three children.
I worked for him, we were close, and he added my name to some of his property about 5 years ago.
Sounds like he trusted you a lot.
He and mom agreed I’d be the PR of his estate, and my half-siblings were OK with that when he passed.
Some land/houses/car are going through probate.
Dad told me he didn’t trust my brother after all the things that happened in their relationship.
It’s sad when this type of thing happens.
My dad used to be just as generous with my brother as he was with me over the years.
(Dad even took in a few pets he bought and then couldn’t handle. Not just one… but 2 parrots.)
Between what happened with my brother’s ex (she stole a LOT of money from my family while she worked for them) and how they raised their daughter (my brother is still letting his ex wife financially abuse their adult dependent child, like taking car loans out in her name for herself and not their daughter, and spending her covid checks).
That made my dad sick, and he didn’t want to give anything to my brother that his ex might get ahold of.
I had thought about sharing that land with my half-siblings.
I guess as a way to try and fix how unhappy my half-siblings were with their inheritance/relationship with our dad.
But I wanted to take care of probate first. (I’m grieving, moving, and pregnant rn.)
Seems like the right thing to do.
A few months ago we all agreed to sell my dad’s assets, pay dad’s bills with that money, and then split the money instead of owning dad’s estate jointly.
They read a rough draft via email about that and liked it and said to mail them copies and they’d sign.
No way, what her dad gave her in 2017 is off the table in my opinion.
And then my brother called me to say that they weren’t comfortable with signing the agreement until I gave them an equal share of the land our dad had given me back in ‘17.
Meaning I wouldn’t be able to sell anything/we’d all be stuck owning things together, unless I gave them the land now.
My dad had 1 credit card in his name with a 7k balance on it and I need to sell something from the estate to take care of that debt.
My brother even said it felt awkward and knew it would come off as a personal attack.
He said it was mostly our sister, the one who had basically no relationship with our dad, who was making this an issue.
He said she needed the reassurance of me sharing the land first before she felt comfortable taking care of probate.
He said it wasn’t fair that dad had also given me other things as well, basically making it seem like sharing this land would be the least I could do since dad gave me more.
The more I thought about this, the more confused I got.
She has every right to be angry!
I am angry and annoyed that they think they can try to force my hand like this.
I’m also not close to them, and it feels like they’re trying to bully me now that dad is gone.
They didn’t have the same kind of relationship my dad and I did.
I moved out of state and still visited monthly.
My siblings rarely called or came by.
I lost my dad in my early 30s.
They’ve had many more decades to have a relationship with him.
WIBTA if I didn’t share?
Your dad gave you what he wanted you to have, you don’t have to share it with your siblings.
Let’s take a look at the comments and see what they have to say.
Good comment, she needs to stand up for herself.
I’m guessing this is exactly what is happening.
She is definitely not being selfish.
Yup, it wasn’t an accident that Dad gave her the land.
Absolutely, follow Dad’s wishes.
Her siblings are just trying to get more than they deserve.
It will be tough to stand strong, though.
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