Elderly Couple Had Their Home Foreclosed Upon, So They Left A Smelly Surprise For The Bank And Got Their Home Back
by Michael Levanduski
If you miss your mortgage payments, you can be sure that the bank is going to get in touch with you and eventually repossess the home.
What would you do if you were behind on your bills and even though you offered to pay off the house, the bank still went through with the foreclosure?
That is what this older couple experienced, but they found a way to win in the end.
Check it out.
Revenge on bank that repossessed home
So this is a story of a petty genius who took revenge on me/my client and I still find it hilarious!
Some backstory: Straight out of college, I join a professional services firm on a training contract, which means they pay for my education while I work towards a professional qualification.
In turn I work for essentially minimum wage for 3 years.
If I quit within this time, I have to pay them back for the cost which is a lot of money for someone straight out of college.
This firm placed me in a department which works for banks/lenders to repossess homes.
I say this because I want to be clear that I know that I was doing the devil’s work but I couldn’t really quit!
On to the revenge part: There was this old-ish couple who missed about 3 payments on their mortgage and our client instructed me to issue them notice of repossession.
After I did as told, the couple tried to negotiate and they made a really good offer to outright pay off the mortgage (I’m guessing they had family who wanted to help and gave them some money to do that).
That is terrible that they wouldn’t accept this deal.
I recommended it to my client to accept it but was told to turn it down (they thought they could make more money off it by putting it on the market).
This couple was devastated and I felt just awful about it but there was nothing I could do.
Anyway, time went on and the couple moved out and we got the keys and started readying the house for sale.
Sounds awful!
As the weeks/months went on, people viewing were complaining about this smell in the house and no one wanted to bid on it.
When I went to the house myself, I literally wanted to vomit as soon as I got in the door!
I never smelled a rotting corpse before but I imagine it would be quite similar!
We got professional cleaners to come in, plumbers to check the sewerage, no one could make the smell go away.
We had to take the house off the market.
Months go by and the house is just laying idle.
Eventually our clients ask us to contact the couple to see if they would make the same offer they did in the beginning.
Good for them!
They said no and offered like 50% of the original offer.
At this point, it was costing our client money to keep the house, between our fees and cost of upkeep so they reluctantly agreed and the couple got their house back.
Fast forward a few weeks and the professional cleaners who we previously used on the house gives me a call.
Turns out the couple hired them too after they got the house back to do some cleaning.
Well…let me tell you I have nothing but admiration for this genius couple!
Apparently, the curtain poles in all the rooms are hollow.
Oh my gosh, that would be rancid!
They hid dead fish in all of them before moving out and no one thought to check!
Can you imagine the smell after months of rotting in the summer heat!
This happened about 10 years ago and I still think about this couple as my heroes!
That would smell horrible, but great job to the older couple! Sounds like it saved them a lot of money.
Let’s see what the people in the comments think about the story.
That sounds disgusting!
That would cause a lot of damage, I hope they didn’t get caught.
I had never heard of this before.
It is nice to hear when people get one over on the banks.
Apparently this happens more than you would think.
If they can’t have the house, NOBODY CAN!
This is righteously disgusting.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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