Uncle Makes Nephew Pay For A Can Of Soda, So His Dad Secretly Stole All Of The Peaches From His Brother’s Tree And Fed Them Back To Him
by Jayne Elliott
If you visit a relative’s house, usually they offer you something to eat and drink.
Being told to pay for the food and beverage at their house sounds ridiculous, right?
In today’s story, one uncle charges his nephew for a can of soda, and that did not go over well with the boy’s dad.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Charge your own family for a drink? Get your stolen fruit fed to you.
This happened like 30 years ago.
When I was a kid I had a notoriously cheap uncle. They called him Joe Green because he hoarded money so much.
Well Uncle Joe had a summer house in the Jersey shore, right on the bay in Wildwood, along with his home in Philly.
His shore house was right next to the fishing charter boats, and to make extra money he would stock up on things like bait, canned soda, lunch meat, etc. and sell it to the guys going out fishing for the day.
Nice way to make some tax free money sitting on your back deck in the morning.
OP wanted a soda.
One day my family is down there visiting.
I was only like 10 years old and thirsty.
I asked Uncle Joe for a soda (like I said, he had tons of cases stacked up).
He told me “Sure. Leave 50 cents on the table..”
It wasn’t a joke.
I started laughing and asked if he was joking.
He wasn’t.
I had to pay my uncle to have a soda at his house.
Ok, whatever, it just gave us another story to share about what a cheapskate he was.
I thought nothing of it after paying him. But my dad felt differently.
His dad stopped by when the uncle was out of town.
A few months later, me and my father went on one of these party fishing boats by Uncle Joe’s house.
After we got back, my dad pulled up to my uncle’s house.
I told him it was pointless. His car wasn’t there, he obviously was in Philly that day.
My dad just looked at me and said “I know.”
They picked all the peaches off the uncle’s peach tree.
Now my uncle had a peach tree growing in his front yard.
He would brag all spring about how they were coming along and how they were almost ripe.
Well it looked like they were finally ripe.
My dad gets me out of the car, grabs a bushel from the trunk, and we start picking all the peaches off his tree.
We literally didn’t leave one left.
He told me we were doing it because he charged me 50 cents for the soda.
I laughed the whole ride home.
OP’s grandmother was cutting up the peaches when the uncle walked in…
The next day, my dad split up the peaches.
He left a big bowl for us, gave a bowl to my grandmother, some to my aunt, etc.
So a few days later I’m at my grandmothers, and she’s cutting up the peaches (she would put them in a bowl with sugar on them, it was divine) when my uncle walks in.
He looks so depressed and he starts telling my grandparents how somebody stole all his peaches off his tree.
I’m sitting there trying not to burst out laughing as he’s saying how he was so looking forward to eating them this year.
It was hard for OP not to laugh.
My grandmother looks up and says “Here, have some of these. Tripleskeets father just gave them to me.”
At this point I’m about to lose it.
So he takes a little bowl and starts eating them and says “They’re pretty good, but mine were a lot better.”
I had to walk out at that point and start cracking up out on the steps.
OP doesn’t have any regrets.
I know its pretty petty, and I’m sure some will think we were the jerks here.
But I dont know, growing up the way I did, that’s just not how you treat family.
Especially the kids.
And its not like we really cost the guy anything.
I assumed the grandma knew the peaches were from the uncle’s tree. It really must have been hard for OP to keep the secret.
Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story…
One reader paid grandma for snacks.
Another reader thought this story was similar to the show “Arrested Development.”
This reader doesn’t think the uncle was very good at hoarding money.
Here’s another suggestion for revenge…
I’m surprised they didn’t charge the uncle to eat his own peaches!
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · cheapskate, peach tree, petty revenge, picture, reddit, soda, top, uncle

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