Customer Cut In Line At The Pharmacy, So The Pharmacist Made Him Wait Much Longer To Get His Prescription
by Ashley Ashbee
Some people don’t like waiting for their turn, like they think the world owes them something for some reason.
But if you’re unkind and entitled, you’ve just given that person a reason to mess with you.
See how the pharmacist in this story did exactly that.
Check it out.
Entitled man refused to wait in line at the pharmacy and got what he deserved.
A man walked into her pharmacy at 8:30, about 30 minutes before they closed for the day.
There was a bit of a line inside and the drive-thru was backed up.
Instead of getting in the back of the line like a normal person, he walked straight up to the counter.
But his rudeness didn’t end there.
He said the pharmacy down the street sent him here and demanded that she fill his script before they close for the night.
The pharmacist is annoyed but is polite, found his script in the computer.
He gets in the pick-up line it’ll be ready by the time he gets to the front.
The man insisted he doesn’t need to wait in line and went to stand off to the side with his arms crossed like a jerk.
And it worked against him.
It had already been a long day shift with a never ending stream of annoying customers, so the pharmacist was fed up by this point.
His script was only a package that needed a label slapped on it and to be put in a bag, so it was ready in 2 minutes.
Instead of calling him over, she let him stand there for about 15 minutes before she paged him over the PA and checked him out.
Moral of the story, it costs nothing to be nice, but it costs about 15 minutes to be a jerk.
Here is what folks are saying.
That’s what he deserves, but I’d rather not want to dread dealing with it all night.
Good for her! It’s outrageous how rude so many people are.
True! But he would have made a scene.
Main character energy.
I hope so, too!
Why are people like this?
You’d think they would have learned their lesson by now.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · cutting in line, entitled, main character energy, petty revenge, pharmacist, picture, reddit, Rude customer, top

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