October 15, 2024 at 1:22 am

A Teacher Bullied Him In Front Of His Classmates, So He Catfished Him And Got Him Fired

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

If you’ve ever wondered if catfishing stories are true, here’s your proof!

This story comes to us from Reddit and this kid went through a lot…until he decided to get even with the teacher who was pushing him around.

Take a look at how it all played out!

I catfished one of my High School teachers because he was bullying me.

“Some background: He knew my dad because my dad (a lawyer) had represented his ex wife several years before in a super bitter divorce.

For some reason he took out that frustration on me.

Yikes, this was bad…

He would verbally abuse me in front of the class.

If I raised my hand to answer a question, he would roll his eyes before calling on me and loudly say to the class “Listen to what OP says, that way you will know what the wrong answers are.”

He would criticize my work, make comments about how I’ll never amount to much because obviously I “have a learning disability” (I don’t, he was just being a prick).

I would often get marked down for “penmanship”, but after asking some classmates, apparently I was the only one being graded on that.

I know history wasn’t my best subject, but the way I was being treated was totally uncalled for.

I began to have anxiety to go to that class. I would dread it all day.

My friends would even mention casually “Yeah, Mr. Smith really doesn’t like OP. What did you do to him bro haha.”

My dad was mad that he was obviously being biased towards me for something I had nothing to do with.

Dad made noise and tried to get me moved into another class, but the district and school were over capacity as it was.

It was a mess…

I couldn’t move classes without displacing another student, and the school didn’t think that would be fair to the other student (but its fair to me to let this keep going on because you can’t move me, what the ****?)

Now, my dad never discussed details of his cases, but I had overheard him angrily telling my mom (after our meeting with the principal) that he doesn’t like that I’m in “that pedo’s class.”

An idea was planted in my head, and it started to grow.

I devised a plan.

I gathered social media pics of a girl (who was underage and went to another school), and made some profiles on KIK and WhatsApp using a Google Voice number from our city.

I changed her name for obvious reasons.

This was diabolical.

Once I had him hooked on the made up 17 year old girl, I sent all the chat logs and pics he sent to “her” to the principal and the school district main office using every email address I could find on the school district website and social media pages.

Within three days of the emails being sent, we had a sub.

All we were told was that Mr. Smith had to take some time off due to “personal issues.”

I still don’t know what happened to him after that.

I graduated about 3 months after he was put on leave, and never heard from or saw him again.

I joined the military and left town about 6 months after this all happened, and have not returned to that city since.

One of my friends (who still lives there) told me a while back he saw him working the deli counter at a grocery store not far from where the high school.

I never told a single soul, and nobody knows it was me.

The rumor mill went wild about him being a pedo, but nobody knew I had anything to do with it (even though I benefited the most from his departure).

I imagine they tracked the girl down and asked her, but she obviously didn’t know him.

However, the chat logs from WhatsApp show the “girl” telling him she was 17 about 3 days before he sent the first (of many) pictures of his junk.

So that was probably enough to at least get him fired and lose his teaching certification.

I don’t regret it, but I would never go so far on anyone again.

I was a bitter, moody teen.

But when you’re being bullied by someone with authority over you, you have to do what you have to do to survive.”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

This reader had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another individual was impressed.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

And this Reddit user offered some advice.

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Lots of twists and turns in this story!

This kid was so brave to stand up to authority.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.