October 16, 2024 at 4:22 pm

Entitled Woman Went Directly To A Family’s Table At A Busy Diner And Told The Waitress She’d Be Sitting There, But She Told Her To Get Back In Line

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople/Canva

It is common for popular dining places to fill up fast, and people would have to line up and wait.

However, some people feel so entitled that they think they can skip the line!

This woman and her family encountered such a person who went directly to their table and told the waitress that she’d be sitting there.

Read the story below to find out what happened.

Woman tries to steal our table at restaurant while we’re eating

My husband, I, and our almost 2-year-old were eating breakfast at a very small mom and pop diner that had 8 tables and two waitresses.

My husband and I were done eating, and had paid the bill.

My little toddler was, of course, taking her sweet time and still eating, and we were contentedly sipping our coffees.

People started lining up to be seated.

A rush of people started coming in the door, and their wait times gradually increase with each new table added to the waitlist.

People waited outside on this day, and the waitresses offered them cups of coffee while they waited.

Then, a woman came in and pointed to the family’s table.

A woman entered and said, “I’ll sit here,” and gestured to our table.

The waitress said, “ There are other people ahead of you.”

The woman argued back, “What people? Where are they?”

She insisted that she was taking their table.

The waitress said, “They might be walking outside. Can I offer you a cup of coffee to take outside?”

And the entitled woman responded, “You can put the cup of coffee at this table (again gesturing to our table that we are still occupying).

Eventually, she agreed to wait.

This continued on before finally the woman agreed to be added to the waitlist.

It was so annoying.

I felt bad for the busy waitress to have to deal with her on top of trying to do the rest of her job.

Whoa! The entitlement, right?

Let’s check out what others have to say about this.

Nice move by this one!

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople

This restaurant worker shares their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople

People can be exhausting, says this one.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople

This user shares what they would have done.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople

Perfect order!

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeople

Some people just don’t have any common decency.

In what world was this going to work?

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