October 7, 2024 at 7:21 pm

Woman’s Roommate Asked Her To Share The Cost Of The Wedding Gift She Planned To Buy For Her Ex-BF. She Refused And Now They’re Not On Speaking Terms.

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Break-ups are hard, and some people spend years to get over their past relationships.

This woman shared that her roommate planned to give her ex-boyfriend a wedding gift even if they already broke up 4 years ago.

The roommate was also asking her to share a portion of the cost because the gift was quite expensive.

Of course she refused, but it caused tension between them

Read the story below for the full details.

AITA For refusing to help my roommate pay for a wedding gift for her Ex-Boyfriend?

I (20f) share an apartment with my roommate, Clara (22f).

Recently, Clara told me she needed to buy a wedding gift for her ex-boyfriend, Drew (24m), who’s getting married.

They broke up 4 years ago, and Clara has been open about how she still feels hurt by the breakup.

Clara asked this woman if she could share the cost of the gift.

Clara mentioned that she wanted to give him a gift as a gesture of goodwill and to achieve some sense of closure.

She said she was on a tight budget.

And asked if I could help cover just a bit of the portion of the cost, since this meant a lot to her.

She refused and expressed her opinion on this.

I was uncomfortable with the idea.

I expressed that I didn’t see the need to buy a gift for someone she’s still emotionally struggling with, especially given how their relationship ended.

I told her it’ll make her feel worse about the whole situation, and she completely brushed it off and continued to ask me for money.

She did offer to help with other things, too.

While I thought the idea of buying him a gift as a whole was a bad idea, I still wanted to be a good friend.

I offered to help her in other ways, like brainstorming budget-friendly gift ideas or supporting her emotionally.

However, Clara INSISTED that it was a deeply important and a significant emotional gesture for her and that my refusal was hurtful.

Now, Clara is upset with her, and their friends are divided on the issue.

She’s now upset with me and feels that I’m not being supportive of her emotional needs.

Then, she started going on about how she was always there for me with my own break up.

We went no-contact a week ago and she’s still ignoring me over this.

Our mutual friends are divided on this, and I am extremely lost.


Let’s find out how others reacted to this story.

This user shares a very valid point.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This one shares their personal opinion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s another insightful comment.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Clara is manipulating her, says this one.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user says Clara may need a therapist.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Her roommate is delusional.

She does not owe her any money or any explanation. Period.

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