Neighbor’s Complaint Banned Weekend Pressure Washing, So Homeowner Turned Up The Volume With Weekday Morning Cleanings
by Benjamin Cottrell
In some neighborhoods, there’s always that one neighbor who watches more than they wave.
A productive weekend cleanup ended up triggering an outcry over city noise laws, so one homeowner found the perfect opportunity to test the limits of the ordinance.
Much to his neighbor’s chagrin, which was the plan the whole time.
Read on for the full story!
So you want strict adherence to the city By Laws? … You got it neighbour!
So I pulled out my gas powered pressure washer this past weekend for the first time in 3 years figured it was well past time to do some property clean up.
Started at 11 am on Saturday morning as I didn’t want to start too early out of respect for my neighbours.
Knocked off around 4 with a couple of breaks in between.
Got the back and both sides of the house done. Lot of concrete patio.
Figured I can finish the front driveway and retaining wall next day.
Fired it up on Sunday at 11 am and got to work for an hour so broke for lunch then back at it at 1.
Just as he was basking in his accomplishment, he’s interrupted by an unusual visit.
Maybe an hour or so later, I’m interrupted by the city By Law Enforcement Officer who is responding to a noise complaint.
Apparently there is a by law that prohibits power equipment on Sundays.
Hmmm, OK I had no idea.
Just a warning, no ticket and the guy was actually very nice.
The homeowner took the complaint well enough, but wanted to finish the job.
I’m a bit annoyed that my neighbours called By Law on me without at least coming to talk to me first but OK.
At this point, there is a huge mess all over the end of my driveway, the sidewalk and the street so I ask the officer is it OK if I quickly take 5 minutes to clean the mess up and push it all together.
The officer was fine with it, but the neighbor who turned him in was not.
He says, sure no problem, and I quickly start cleaning up.
Cue not one, but two of my old geezer neighbours to come running out of theirs houses to attack the poor By Law kid.
A minute later, he comes back and says, sorry you need to shut down now.
This neighbor has never been nice to this homeowner, and now he’s purposely ratting him out?
OK, he is just doing his job but now I’m ticked.
I’ve lived here for 8 years and none of these old jerks have ever even said hello to me or my family.
So the homeowner begins plotting a way to get back at the neighbors.
So I get the details of the exact by law: Nothing on Sunday, Saturday 9 to 5 (should have started earlier), Monday to Friday 7 to 7.
As he is leaving, I call out very loudly to him (not really to him), “So just so I’m clear, 7am Monday morning is a-ok!”
They decide on updating their pressure washing schedule to an even more inconvenient time for the neighbor.
Bright and early at the stroke of 7am Monday morning, I put and hour of pressure washing before work.
Tuesday morning another bright and early start.
Wednesday session was truly awesome.
Who should stop by this morning while I was working on my retaining wall and sidewalk but my neighbour Baldy McBylaw Caller.
The neighbors immediately took notice, but soon realized he’d made his bed.
I gave him a friendly wave and a neighborly good morning and continued with my work until I ran out of gas.
He hung around for a while glaring unhappily at me but must have realized that there was really nothing he could do about this situation he had caused.
He slunk away a few minutes later.
This homeowner isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
I’m running out of things to pressure wash but my other neighbour has let me know I can borrow his grinder.
I can finally get rid of that piece of rebar sticking out of the concrete at the side of my house.
Sunday today and tomorrow is a holiday so I guess it will have to wait until Tuesday at 7am.
Turns out it took a little well-timed noise to finally shut this neighbor up.
What did Reddit think?
This commenter is 100% on the homeowner’s side here!
This commenter encourages the homeowner to go wild with the noise.
When the homeowner runs out of stuff to wash, they can just start on their neighbor’s stuff!
Why stop at just powerwashing?
By the time he was finished, his property sparkled and so did his satisfaction with a job well done.
This homeowner can consider his point proved.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad neighbors, bylaws, city laws, home maintenance, law enforcement, malicious compliance, neighbors, nosy neighbors, picture, pressure washer, reddit, top

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