Entitled Neighbor Complains When Apple Trees Don’t Produce Enough, So Homeowner Chops Them Down For Good
by Heather Hall
Sometimes, people feel entitled to things that don’t even belong to them.
So, what would you do if someone got angry at you because your apple trees didn’t meet their expectations?
Would you apologize and tell them there’s always next year?
Or would you go all out to make sure they got the point?
In the following story, one homeowner teaches an entitled neighbor a lesson.
Here’s how it went down.
Get mad when MY apple tree doesn’t produce enough apples? Get ready to be big mad.
In 2018, my husband and I bought my parents’ house as our first home.
Our very large yard came with 2 mature-producing apple trees and 1 crab apple tree.
Since my parents moved in 2006, an older gentleman has come by and picked the apples out of their tree to “use as deer feed” during hunting season.
He told me as such and usually stopped by late summer to re-get permission for the year and check on the harvest.
The trees produced well until they didn’t.
In 2018 and 2019, it was great.
He picked the apples on the tree and on the ground in a few hours, and away they’d go.
2020 rolls around.
Our trees produced 1 apple on one tree and no more than 2 dozen on the other.
My next-door neighbors (good friends) asked to have what was up there to make some pies, so obviously, I let them have them.
He was not happy the apples were gone already.
The old dude rolls up in July on his John Deere lawn tractor and asks what happened to all of his apples.
When I told him they just didn’t produce this year, he went OFF.
He went on about that’s how he makes his “fun money” in the fall by selling jams, pies, etc., at local farmers markets, and it’s my fault he lost his income and blah blah blah.
When I mentioned I was told he used the apples for hunting, he sputtered some more, shook his fist, and drove off.
So, this spring? I cut down those apple trees. It sucks to suck.
Bravo! That’ll teach him!
Let’s see how the readers over at Reddit relate to this story.
Seriously! That was a rude guy!
You would think…
Sadly, many fruit trees get cut down for this very reason.
Great point – the least he could’ve done was share.
Not only did he yell at the owner, but he also lied about what he was doing with the fruit.
How did he like them apples?
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · apple trees, bad harvest, downed trees, entitled neighbor, petty revenge, picture, reddit, rude old man, top

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