Florist Said You Should Never Smell Roses For Sale In Grocery Stores Because Of Exposure Of Fungicide. – ‘This had to be the nastiest job in the production room.’
by Matthew Gilligan
TikTok is chock-full of bits of advice from content creators, but I can’t say that I’ve ever heard this one before.
A florist named Andrew posted a video on the social media platform and advised people that it’s not in their best interest to smell roses in grocery stores.
Andrew said, “Here’s why I never, ever smell the roses from a grocery store or retail florist, and why I would never set up a rose petal bath for someone I care about, and why I use gloves if I have to work with them.”
Andrew then read viewers a section of a book called Flower Confidential: The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful by Amy Stewart that describes Stewart’s experience on a South American rose farm.
Stewart talked about barrels of roses being dunked into barrels of fungicide and her passage reads, “This had to be the nastiest job in the production room. The men handling the roses wore respirator-style masks. But there were no masks for the rest of us, and the smell was horrible.”
The author added that the fungicide also dripped onto the flowers on the floor.
Stewart said a worker told her, “As a contaminant for humans, it’s very low, but, and he flashed me a warm smile, I would never recommend that you take a bath of rose petals. Never.”
That doesn’t sound good…
Take a look at the video. DON’T SMELL THE ROSES! (from a grocery store or a florist who imports flowers) roses datenight floristsoftiktok weddingtiktok weddingflowers bride happybirthday loveislove
Here’s how folks reacted on TikTok.
This viewer shared their thoughts.
Another individual isn’t happy about this…
And one TikTokker spoke up.
Wake up and DON’T smell the roses.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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