Traffic Controller Was Bulled By A Driver In A Rush, So He Made Her Wait Even Longer And Be Late For Her Flight
by Ashley Ashbee
What’s worse than an entitled person at work?
An entitled person at work who is running late.
At least that was the case for the worker in this story.
But he had an ace up his sleeve.
Check out how he played it.
Wanna try and belittle me? I’ll make you late for your precious flight
I work as a traffic controller, meaning I’m the guy that sets up to the traffic cones and signs at construction sites.
I also hold the sign with stop and slow on either side.
People HATE me when I’m at work.
I get constant remarks and comments thrown at me simply because I inconvenience people a few minutes on their commute.
But I don’t give a crap because I’m making sure the workers, my coworkers AND the drivers are all safe and no one gets hurt or worse.
Plus, I have thick skin.
Here is when he needs to use his thick skin.
One day I was at the top of a hill to make sure that people slowed down before the bend to avoid them blowing past or hitting my coworker at the bottom.
I got the call to hold traffic, so I flip my sign to stop and traffic comes to a stop perfectly fine.
Then I hear a woman blaring her horn nonstop and screaming out the window of her Mercedes.
She comes stomping up to me.
I can’t leave my post, but I was fully prepared to wack her with my sign if needed.
Karen – “Let us through. I have to be at the airport.”
Me – “I’m sorry ma’am but we have workers moving down there. You’re just gonna have to wait.”
Karen – “This is ridiculous. Just tell them to move, I have to gooooooooo.” (Yes that exaggerated.)
Me – “I’m sor-”
She cuts me off
Karen – “Listen you heroin addicted, good-for-nothing slimeball. Get out of my way and do your job.”
Oh, it’s on now, Karen.
She storms back to her car.
She wants me to do my job?
Well alrighty then.
I get the call to let traffic through and begin to do so.
She was the last one in the line and I can hold traffic for 15 minutes.
So I decide to use that time to get some malicious compliance on Karen.
I let the car in front of her go and stop her.
She starts back up again.
Karen – “What are you doing?”
Me – “Sorry ma’am, there’s an obstruction in the road. You’ll need to wait until it’s moved.”
It was my lunchbox that I threw into the middle of the road after stopping her.
She went off on me about how she’s gonna “miss her flight” and how I’m a “dirty convict.”
(I’ve never been to jail, by the way).
15 minutes goes by and I move my lunchbox and let her through.
Thankfully only one other car came by in that time and it turned off into a driveway so I wasn’t inconveniencing an innocent person.
She pulls up and yells and me and asks “What were you doing?”
I reply with a very snarky, “Just doing my job ma’am.”
She drives away in a huff.
When we finished, the others asked what I was doing and I told them what happened.
They thought it was the funniest thing they’d heard that week.
I hope she was late for her flight.
Moral of the story, kids: don’t mess with traffic controllers.
We can mess up your day more than you think.
Here is what folks are saying.
I feel so sorry for them when it’s super hot or cold.
It sounds like a scary job.
I hate folks like this, too. So entitled.
Not weird at all! No shame in honest work that keeps people safe.
I love this! More people should be like this commenter.
Serves this lady right!
Her problems don’t outweigh anyone else’s safety.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · construction workers, entitled, karen, malicious compliance, picture, reddit, running late, top, traffic control

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