Her Brother Needed An Emergency Dental Procedure, So He Asked Her To Cancel Her Upcoming Trip And Loan Him Some Money
by Heide Lazaro
Would you cancel a prepaid trip to help out a family member who needs an emergency dental procedure?
In today’s story, a woman shares how her brother demanded that she cancel her upcoming vacation. He told her to ask for refunds so she can give him money for a dental surgery he needed.
She refused, and now he’s mad at her.
Check out the full story below.
AITA for refusing to cancel my vacation after my brother demanded I pay for his “emergency” surgery instead?
I (30F) have been planning a two-week vacation to Europe with my partner for the past year.
We’ve both saved up a lot of money for this trip, and it’s a big deal for us because we’ve never been on a major vacation together before.
The flights, hotels, everything has already been paid for.
This woman received a call from her brother.
Last week, my brother (35M) called me in a panic, saying he needs emergency surgery for a dental issue.
It’s not life-threatening, but his tooth infection is bad, and it needs to be dealt with soon.
He doesn’t have insurance (long story involving bad financial decisions), and the procedure is going to cost about $10K.
She refused to loan him money, so he got mad.
He asked me to loan him the money, but there’s no way I have an extra $10K lying around after paying for this vacation.
When I told him that, he got mad and said I should cancel my trip to help him, since “family comes first.”
He even suggested I ask for refunds on the flights and hotels, as though that would magically solve the problem.
He totally lost it.
I told him I felt bad for his situation, but I wasn’t going to cancel a trip we’d been planning for a year over his poor financial choices. Especially when this isn’t a life-or-death situation.
He lost it, called me selfish, accused me of abandoning him in his time of need, and got our mom involved.
Her mom was also trying to convince her to cancel the trip.
Now, my mom is pressuring me to cancel and help him out, saying it’s “just a vacation” and I can always reschedule.
But I don’t think it’s fair that I should be expected to sacrifice something I’ve worked hard for because my brother can’t handle his own responsibilities.
AITA? Is he lying about the cost to drain me off my money or something?
Asking her to cancel her trip is really asking a lot.
Let’s check out what other people on Reddit have to say about this.
This user is curious.
Here’s a decent response to the brother.
People are calling out the mom to help out.
A dentist speaks up.
Finally, another valid comment from this one.
The entitlement is unbelievable!
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, brother, dental surgery, money, picture, reddit, tooth infection, top, vacation

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