A Troublesome Washing Machine Created A Flood Every Time It Was Used, So A Resident Found A Way To Prevent Other Residents From Using It
by Jayne Elliott
If you realize something is broken, you’d probably stop using it until it’s fixed.
That’s pretty common sense.
The building residents in today’s story don’t seem to have much common sense, because they keep using a broken washing machine.
One of the residents is really bothered by this and eventually comes up with a way to get revenge while also preventing the problems caused by the broken washing machine.
Let’s see how this resident gets revenge…
Dirty the laundry room and you’ll lose a buck
I recently moved and after using the community laundry room learned the hard way that one of the dryers is broken as is one of the washers.
There are four washers and four dryers all paid for with quarters.
The dryer was an annoyance but the washer was a big problem.
Here’s the problem with the washer…
Whenever it was used when it drained the water the would spill all over the laundry room floor and sit there unless it was cleaned or by some miracle reached the floor drain.
It made it incredibly difficult to use the working machines as the dirty water would just sit there.
When I discovered this, I cleaned the floor and immediately made it a point not to use that washer.
I also contacted the property management company to let them know of the issue.
She was reassured that the washer would be fixed.
Apparently, there are people who do not share the same disgust of cleaning your clothes while walking through dirty water because someone kept using it.
Over several months, I talked to the PM company three times, the front office a few times, and the property manager.
Each time I was assured that it was or was in the process being repaired with the anonymous or possibly multiple anonymous people still flooding the laundry room just to get their clothes clean.
The property manager lied.
The maintenance room is near my unit, and the day before, I had again approached the property manager who did really well at faking concern about the situation and assured me again it was fixed and safe to use.
Note: I had previous management experience and was not rude to anyone I had discussed the issue with.
Anyways, as I walked past the laundry room I checked again.
There was typical flood on the floor.
The repair guy didn’t know how to fix the washer.
Walking past the maintenance room I overheard the repair guy from the company they use talking on the phone saying that they could not find the issue with the washer so there must not be one.
I had talked to a few neighbors who all knew it was broken and nothing had been done about it even before I was there and it was brought to people’s attention way before my time there.
I realized it was probably going to be a consistent issue.
One day she had enough…
A cleaning crew cleans the building once a week.
After they cleaned one day and the room was clear I decided to do laundry.
I filled up every single washer but the broken one, and I suppose you can say I snapped.
She made sure the laundry room floor wouldn’t get flooded anymore.
I pulled the broken washer away from the wall, found the cord that power supplies the washer, and hid it so none of the homeowners could find it.
If the repair man actually decided to genuinely fix the washer he would be able to.
It has been several weeks and the floors have been clean and dry.
The best part?
It still accepts quarters.
I bet the neighbors will stop using the washer pretty quickly when they lose their quarters!
The building should just replace the washer, but they must be too cheap.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This situation is very familiar to this reader…
Another reader thinks the problem with the washer should be easy to fix.
This person wouldn’t want anyone to lose money.
A sign would help.
This reader has a problem with a gate.
If only the repair man would repair the washer!
It seems like the simplest solution.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · laundry room, petty revenge, picture, property manager, reddit, repair, top, washer

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