Two Middle School Bullies Egged His Car, So He Drove It Over To Their House And Got Permission To Make Them Wax It Clean
by Jayne Elliott
Bullies usually pick on someone younger than them or their same age, but in today’s story, the neighborhood bullies are middle school kids picking on a college student.
That was a big mistake!
When the kids egg the college student’s car, he tells their dad and lets him get the ultimate revenge.
Lets’ see how the story plays out…
Throw Eggs at my Car? Have fun washing and waxing for hours!
For a couple of weeks since school started, two neighborhood middle school kids (they are brothers) have been messing with my brother (also middle school aged) at school, on the bus, and in the neighborhood.
Nothing very serious but super annoying things like taking his backpack on the bus, calling him names, and taking his toys at the neighborhood pool.
He told me (college aged) about it and asked me to help, so the next time they came along while we were at the pool I chewed them out for a few minutes and they almost crapped themselves.
That seemed to fix it for a few days after which I became their target.
He loves his Toyota Camry.
Now they didn’t really mess with me directly, but instead my car.
With my parents’ help, I recently bought a 2021 Toyota Camry TRD V6.
I have a much older car too from high school (gift from Dad), but this one is really my pride and joy.
Ask any of my neighbors and they’ll know how much I love it.
I wash it pretty much every weekend lol.
The kids egged his car.
Now just yesterday, when I was almost done applying a coat of wax, I ran inside to grab a glass of water (It’s 97 degrees here in Atlanta smh).
I walk out to the driveway to see those mfs running away with an empty carton of eggs and my car covered in yolks and eggshells.
I lose my cool and yell some nasty words at them.
Not only had I washed it, but I had also waxed it this weekend and that stuff takes hours to do for a really clean finish.
Luckily I didn’t notice any paint damage.
He showed the kids’ dad what happened to his car.
Now I promptly drive my egg covered car to those kids’ parents’ house and knock.
I explained to the Dad wtf just happened and the whole background.
These people have been more hostile than friendly in the past, but the Dad looked MAD at what happened and he noticed how messed up my car was.
Now this dude is a linebacker sized Marine veteran.
He instantly called his older kid and yelled at him to bring both of their rears home right now.
Atp the dad is profusely apologizing for his kids’ behavior, and a few minutes later they show up.
The dad made the kids wash her car.
This man has the voice of a drill sergeant and he brought tears to his kids’ faces in seconds.
Made them do pushups and stuff right there outside lmfao with both of us watching.
After that, he asks me to go home and they’ll be over in a few minutes to clean up my car.
All three of them come over, and I command those brats to rinse and wash and dry and everything.
The whole time the Dad stood right there pointing out his kids’ mistakes.
We did that for hours until my car was spotless and shiny as a diamond.
Before they left he made his kids apologize again for what they did.
Even though it was a massive inconvenience on my Saturday, I still feel like it’s a W since I know those slimy chimps will never mess with me or my family again.
That dad sounds awesome.
It was a great idea for him to tell the kids’ parents what happened to his car.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader loved how the story ended.
Here’s another story about messing up a car.
This person thinks he should thank the dad.
Another person thinks the dad helped himself.
This reader pointed out just how serious bullying can be.
Those kids will probably be a lot less likely to mess with someone else after this revenge!
Which is as it should be.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · dad, middle school, petty revenge, picture, prank, reddit, top, toyota camry

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