Uptight Neighbors Kept Harassing A Couple About Their Pink Flamingo Lawn Ornaments, But When They Learned They Were Allowed By The City They Put Them Everywhere
by Matthew Gilligan
You’re gonna love this story, folks!
It comes to us from Reddit’s “Petty Revenge” page and all I can say is that it’s gonna put a HUGE smile on your face.
Are y’all ready for this?
Let’s get started!
Petty revenge on the neighborhood lawn police.
“My husband (53M) and I (52F) bought our first house 13 years ago and quickly realized we were the black sheep of the neighborhood.
We are in a quiet culdesac in the middle of town, a neighborhood we never really knew existed until we started looking for homes to buy.
Our neighbors are about 10-20 years older than us and keep their yards to an unsustainable perfection unless you either hire a lawn service or are retired and have nothing better to do than yard work 24/7 rain or shine.
The neighbors to our sides and across the street are the latter.
These people obviously don’t have any hobbies…
One neighbor will use a leaf vacuum to remove leaves from his yard and the street in front of his house multiple times a day.
If it’s storming, he’ll stand in his garage with the door open and will rush out during breaks in the rain to remove every last leaf.
Dude has serious OCD about his lawn.
He doesn’t own one tree and complains to other neighbors about the sycamore tree in our front yard because it not only peels it’s bark year round but also drops its leaves really early into the season.
We don’t rake our leaves because it’s a great natural fertilizer, but we do pick up large branches and bark before we mow.
Not long after we purchased the house, I became disabled and could no longer do heavy yard work.
My husband kept it up until he became disabled during the pandemic and couldn’t do the heavy lifting either.
We now have very limited funds, so we hired a kid to mow and whatnot for us very cheap.
When the schools stopped online classes once the pandemic was under control, he stopped working and we had to rely on family to help.
They are only able to help a couple times a month at the most and this is apparently unacceptable to our neighbors.
Get a life!
If our grass is a smidge over 6 inches, they call the city code enforcement office and report us.
I’ve gotten to know the woman fielding the calls very well over the past couple years.
She agrees that the reports are excessive but is still required to follow-up and contact us about the complaints.
Many of their complaints are a civil issue (such as tree too close to a fence) but grass height is the one that we have to abide.
If we’ve had a good rain, like this year it rained a lot, then sure our lawn is going to grow faster and our family may not be able to come into town immediately and help.
They have never once spoken to us about it.
Never once asked why the sudden change in lawn care. In fact we’ve never even spoke to any of the “problem” neighbors in over 5 years.
Instead, they report us and report us and report us….
Again, the city understands and gives us a month to get it taken care of.
And we do. Every time. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
So, one day we decided that we were done with trying to be a nice neighbor and fit in with the golf course lawn crowd, so we got petty.
We called the city to get the property line tagged and asked for a copy of the city code about what you can and can’t put on your lawn.
Hey o!
Pink flamingos are not on that list.
We now have 20 large pink flamingos a few inches on our side of the property line and along our side of the sidewalk.
There’s not a thing they can do about it and it most definitely gave the city official a good laugh!
We still gotta keep the grass under 6 inches, but it just feels different now.”
Check out what folks had to say about this.
This reader has an idea…
Another individual shared their thoughts.
One person chimed in.
This individual offered some advice.
And this person had a lot to say.
This story is guaranteed to make you LOL.
Pink flamingos for everyone!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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