He Divorced His Wife After He Caught Her Cheating On Him, But Year’s Later He Found A Way To Get Revenge While Also Helping A Little League Team
by Jayne Elliott
Marriage is great when both people involved are faithful, but when one of them has an affair, that often leads to divorce.
That’s what happens in today’s story, but when a wife cheats on her husband, the husband ends up finding a great way to get revenge years later while also giving back. It’s a win win!
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Getting back at my ex wife
My ex and I married young.
I was totally devoted to her, and to be fair she had a lot of love to give.
The only problem was that she gave it to anyone, usually while I was away at work.
They ended up getting divorced.
She wasn’t happy being with a broke college student and decided to sleep her way into another relationship that could provide her with more money.
I came home early to find a dude old enough to be her father spooning his soft-serve diabetic self into my wife.
I went to see a lawyer the next morning, and we got divorced less than a year after we married.
I naively thought this would be the end of our interactions. We didn’t have kids or assets to fight over, so we had no reason to ever see one another again.
It wasn’t that easy.
Except she wouldn’t go away.
Over the next few years she made my life miserable.
My career took off and I started a small freight company. I wasn’t rich by any means, but I was making a little money and the ex felt entitled to a cut by virtue of our brief union.
She tried to get him to pay her.
She would contact me at random times threatening lawsuits if I didn’t “give her what she was owed,” as she put it.
That’s not how divorce works of course, but she figured she could harass me into a payout to make her go away.
I ignored her threats and negative social media posts, and they eventually dwindled down to occasionally driving past my house on holidays when she was in town to visit her parents.
The ex is now a single mom.
A few more years go by.
The loser she cheated with is long gone from a heart attack, leaving her to raise their kid alone.
That was a bit of an extreme measure to get away from her, but I understand.
She moves away to the other side of the state, and that could have been the end of it, but I decide to thumb my nose at her one last time.
He came up with a way to get revenge.
I learn through a friend of a friend that her kid is going to start Little League the next season.
I’m a big believer in supporting youth sports, so I contact the league and sponsor a team in her community via my company, which happens to include my first and last name in the title.
The idea was that her team would play my team once or twice that season and she’d have to sit in the stands with nothing to do except be pissy about it.
It turned out even better than he expected!
By some chance stroke of good fortune, I got even more than I hoped for.
You see, players are drafted to teams at random.
Guess who got assigned to the team I sponsored.
Every game, every post win pizza party, every time she washed her kid’s gear, she was surrounded by a sea of uniforms with “OP TRANSPORTATION” emblazoned on the front in big letters.
That was a good summer.
That’s a great way of getting back while also helping out a little league team. Well played!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
The ex might even have trophies with his name on them!
This reader LOVES the sarcasm!
Another reader is also laughing at the sarcasm.
This revenge has it all, and he even looks like the good guy!
Everyone loves the revenge!
What a clever way to get revenge while also helping the community!
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · affair, aita, cheater, little league, picture, reddit, single mom, top

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