Her Coworker Wants To Take Her Early Shift So She Can Take Care Of Her Kids And Her Husband Can Keep His Night Shift Job, But She Refuses Because She Has Kids Too And Doesn’t Want To Change Her Schedule
by Ashley Ashbee
Shift work is tough.
Typically, everyone looks out for each other, swapping shifts if needed and generally being friendly.
But that only works to a point.
See why this worker is feeling bad for saying no to her coworker over an early shift.
AITA for refusing to give my coworker my only early shift day?
I work four closing shifts and one early day, while my coworker works four early days and one late shift.
She has tried to change my early days for a while.
I have tried to accommodate her schedule multiple times, as she has to rush home to care for her daughter while her husband works night shifts.
They have no family help for childcare.
But it’s not working out.
I told her already that I wasn’t going to change my days anymore, as I have things to do as well and have a toddler myself.
Recently, she came to me and said she needed my early day.
I thought she wanted to change my early day to a different one so she could get home on time, but she told me she wanted to work only early shifts.
She wanted my early day and for me to have closing shifts Monday through Friday.
And here is the kicker.
I told her no, but then she explained that her husband’s job asked him to work an extra day, and if he didn’t, he was going to get fired.
If I don’t change my days, her husband will end up without a job, and she might have to rent her house to afford living if that happens.
I have a kid myself and no family to help, so I had to resort to daycare.
Am I in the wrong for saying no to accommodate her needs?
This is what folks are saying.
She needs to be fair to herself.
It sounds like she carries other people’s problems.
I hadn’t thought of it this way.
The boss should know.
Sometimes a sitter is the only way.
She’s going to get an ulcer if she keeps feeling bad about everything.
Sometimes other people’s problems are theirs to solve.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, guilt, picture, reddit, shift work, stressful, top, young moms

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