Lowe’s Customer Isn’t Happy About Their New Return Policy. – ‘Lowe’s has just decided that, no, we’re not going to take anything back.’
by Matthew Gilligan
Did you know about the new return policy at Lowe’s stores?
Well, if you didn’t before, you’re about to get an earful from a TikTokker named Crystal who’s pretty unhappy about what went down when she tried to return some items.
The text overlay on her video “**** Lowe’s & every other greedy corporation who price gouges us AND under pays its employees.”
Crystal told viewers, “There was somebody else there trying to return a generator, and there was somebody else there trying to return the same exact chainsaw that I had. But Lowe’s has just decided that, ‘No, we’re not going to take anything back. We don’t care if you have a receipt. We don’t care if it’s brand new in box. We don’t care that we just changed, just now, changed our return policy.’”
She continued, “I would not have bought a $200 item thinking that I couldn’t return it if I didn’t use it. I actually thought that since I was buying it from a non-traumatized, from [a] hurricane part of the country, and bringing it to a traumatized part of the country, that that would be a favor.”
Crystal seems to referring to the deadly hurricanes and storms that hit the Southeast in late September 2024.
Check out the video.
@philly.crystal #fucklowes #fuckgreedycorporations #itstimeforachange #enoughisenough #hurricanehelene #hurricanemilton #pricegouging? #cantheyreallydothat
Here’s what TikTokkers had to say.
This person didn’t hold back.
Another TikTokker shared their thoughts.
And this individual spoke up.
She’s fightin’ mad about it!
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