December 3, 2024 at 6:48 am

Mechanic Said That People Shouldn’t Let Their Gas Tanks Get All The Way To Empty. – ‘How do I know? Because I survey all of my customers.’

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: TikTok/@alexthecardoctor

Are you one of those people who lets their car get down to Empty before you decide to fill your tank back up?

If so, you should probably pay attention to what this mechanic had to say on TikTok.

His name is Alex and he said that driving around on an empty tank isn’t a good idea.

Source: TikTok

Alex said, “We have to stop riding around on E. Here’s why. When you ride around on E, this little electric motor is no longer submerged in fuel. This leaves a lot of empty space around the fuel pump.”

The mechanic said that this causes the fuel pump to overheat and that a full tank of gas works as a coolant for the fuel pump.

Alex said an empty tank can result in the fuel pump burning up and he added that empty tanks are “probably sucking in more trash and debris.”

Source: TikTok

Alex said some car brands run just fine on empty tanks, but others have problems.

He added, “How do I know? Because I survey all of my customers, and they tell me they’ve been riding around on E.”

Better safe than sorry, right?

Source: TikTok

Here’s the video.


It’s Not A Good Idea To Ride Your Car On Empty ⛽️

♬ original sound – Alex The Car Doctor

Check out how viewers reacted.

This person weighed in.

Source: TikTok

Another TikTokker shared their thoughts.

Source: TikTok

And this person isn’t playing around…

Source: TikTok

For your information…

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!