She Thought Her Fiance Had Picked Up Their Kids From Daycare, But He Actually Had His Mom Pick Them Up Even Though She’d Been In The ER With The Flu Two Days Earlier
by Jayne Elliott
Daycare pickup and drop off can be a juggling act for working parents, and in today’s story, a mom feels like her fiance dropped the ball.
He failed to communicate his plans, and she was blindsided when he changed the plans without telling her.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for being mad that my fiance had his mom pick up our kids from daycare?
My fiance (31m) and myself (27f) both had work the other day.
He works as a manager at a store and I work as a tech at a retail pharmacy.
Our schedules ended up conflicting.
I always close (6pm) on Tuesdays and he was scheduled off at 5.
Who will pick up the kids from daycare?
However he had a meeting for work.
The end of the meeting was going to a dinner.
He texted me about 4pm and said that the dinner portion didn’t start till 5.
I start questioning whether he was going to get the kids from daycare, and I received no response for quite some time.
Their daycare closes at 6.
Why is his mom calling?
When he responds he says he thinks he’ll make it in time.
I heard nothing else so I assumed he would.
I got off work and went to get my stepdaughter from my parents house as she was there due to school being out.
Around 6:30 I get a call from his mom.
He failed to tell her his mom picked up the boys from daycare.
She said the boys are still here and he said he’d be done at 6.
I said wait you have the boys?
She said yeah he asked me to pick them up.
I hung up with her and immediately called him twice with no answer.
I hope the boys don’t catch the flu!
I was angry because he sent his kids to his moms when she has been super sick and needs to rest.
She was in the ER with the flu 2 days prior.
I don’t think she should have ever been asked to watch them when it was known she wasn’t feeling well.
He didn’t call me or text me to let me know that he couldn’t get them; I had no clue he had someone pick them up.
She thinks her fiance was inconsiderate.
When his mom called I was on my way home expecting my kids to be there.
He was supposed to pick them up, instead because I couldn’t get ahold of him and his mom was calling me because she didn’t feel good and couldn’t keep up with them, I ended up picking them up.
He doesn’t think asking his mom was wrong, because she said she’d do it.
I think it’s selfish and inconsiderate.
Her fiance doesn’t think he did anything wrong.
He doesn’t think the whole situation is a big deal, that I should not be angry, when I didn’t even know my children were with someone else after daycare was closed.
He thinks that it’s fine he asked his mom, and that he just solved the problem.
I think he should’ve called me and one of us should’ve left work to get them, and his mom shouldn’t have been an option.
His work dinner was optional.
I then asked if this dinner was mandatory.
He said no but it would’ve looked bad not to go, and I think he should’ve just said he couldn’t go to the dinner in order to get the kids considering I was scheduled until daycare was closed.
He believes that this whole thing is not a big deal and that I’m making it a big deal.
AITA for being mad?
Am I truly making this a big deal when it’s not?
I need opinions.
Considering his mom was in the ER she was so sick, I don’t think he should’ve asked her to babysit.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
I completely agree with this reader’s suggestion.
He messed up in multiple ways.
This reader points out the positive…
He was disrespectful of the women in his life.
It seems that everyone thinks he messed up.
Someone who is recovering from the flu should not babysit!
And communication between parents about pickups really is key.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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