She Kept Demanding To Cut In Line At The Grocery Store And Claimed She Had Only Left Her Spot “To See If The Other Line Was Moving Faster.” But This Customer Wouldn’t Let Her Back In.
by Mila Cardozo
You never know when an entitled person will try to ruin your day.
In this case, a man was at his local grocery store already in line when a woman came out of nowhere demanding to cut in front of him.
He refused and was met with sarcasm.
Now he’s wondering if he was actually in the wrong.
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA For Not Letting A Woman Cut The Line At The Grocery Store?
Tonight after work I stopped by my local grocery store to grab a handful of items to make dinner.
5 items in total.
I maneuvered my cart behind an older woman who was slowly navigating putting her groceries on the belt to be checked out.
She was the only person I noticed in front of me.
As far as he was concerned, it was just the two of them.
A few minutes later another woman tries to edge her way in line in front of my cart.
I gave her a quizzical look and she said “Oh, I was here before, but I went to go and see if the other line over there was moving faster.”
I said, “Okay, but you weren’t here when I arrived soooo (shrug).”
Everyone knows that if you leave a line, you risk losing it, but she didn’t get the memo.
The woman proceeded to inform me, she was here first and that she should be let back in because she only stepped away to see if the other line was faster.
I replied that I did not see her here before I joined the line, so, she could get behind me or go back to the other line.
At this point she showed me that she only had a few things and was shocked that I wasn’t going to let her back in (she had 4 packs of jello).
I pointed out that I too only had a few things and I wasn’t going to move because I did not see her in the line in front of me when I joined.
But it’s not over: That woman is no quitter.
Now this is where I may be in the wrong.
At this point, we’re both getting frustrated in this grocery store match for pole position.
She says “So you’re not going to let me back in? Where’s your Christmas spirit?”.
I’d had enough of her entitlement at this point and I shot back “Don’t pull that ****.”
Her methods didn’t work this time.
Honestly, if I had been behind her in line, I would have happily held her place if she has asked.
But she wasn’t there when I arrived and she just assumed she could cut back in line after a few minutes.
Using Christmas Spirit as a means to get what she wanted was the last straw for me.
But the entitled lady had to have the last word.
In the end she, glared at me and said “I hope you have a Merry Christmas” her voice dripping with sarcasm.
And she left to go back over to another cashier.
The irony is, we both left the store with our items at the same time.
That woman was demanding something she had no right to demand.
Let’s see what Reddit’s take is on this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
Someone shares a similar story.
This commenter shares a few wise words.
Another reader chimes in.
I agree.
I think she needed the tough love more than that spot.
So much for Christmas spirit.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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