An Aggressive Driver Ran Them Off The Road, So They Told A State Trooper About it And Got The Guy In Big Trouble
by Matthew Gilligan
Folks, here’s a word of advice from a veteran driver…
Getting somewhere ten seconds earlier because you drove like an idiot isn’t gonna make a big difference in your life, so you might as well slow down and enjoy the ride, baby!
If you don’t, you might end up getting pulled over, like this jerk did.
Check out what happened in this revenge story from Reddit.
Bad driver, convenient cop.
“A while ago a jerk ran me off the road on I 75 in Florida.
I watched him spilt traffic to get past 10 more cars to get ahead of traffic, but I couldn’t get it on camera. We met again at an exit 5 miles later at a traffic stop, and I was right behind him.
He obviously made such great time almost causing 10 separate accidents in a 5 mile radius that I was able to catch up in a couple minutes without speeding. When we were waiting for the light, I happened to be stopped next to a parked state trooper and I signaled him over.
Here’s the deal…
I’m so tired of jerk drivers that I told this cop my story, and promised that if he got behind him, it wouldn’t take more than a minute to have a reason to pull him over.
The cop got behind him and within 2 traffic lights the guy failed to signal, made an illegal lane change at an intersection, was aggressively tailgating, cut off the car directly in front of the cop, and his tint was probably illegal without a prescription. It was glorious when I saw his lights go on.
Take that!
This guy’s entire car looked like he had been in daily fender benders, and I’m guessing they were all hit and runs.
I didn’t see the entire traffic stop, but in my dreams, he was also arrested for all his hidden illegal drugs and already had many warrants out for his arrest. He probably only got a minor ticket, though.
I giggled like a child the rest of my 10 minute drive home and carried that high for the rest of the week.
Almost get me hurt? I inconvenience you with help from the law, LOL.”
Here’s what viewers had to say on Reddit.
This person had a lot to say.
Another Reddit user spoke up.
This reader chimed in.
Another person spoke up.
Drive like this and you’re gonna pay the price!
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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