Customer Demanded To Speak To The Manager And Made A Waitress Nervous. But When He Ends Up Complimenting Her, His Date Did Not Approve Of His Mysterious Approach.
by Mila Cardozo
I’ve heard multiple times that the way your date treats waiters says a lot about them.
Apparently, this guy’s date also heard the same thing; since he practically pranked a waitress to then just compliment her to her manager, she won’t even talk to him anymore.
But was he really in the wrong?
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for telling my waitress’s manager she did a great job?
This is not a clickbait title, it’s actually what happened. I got called an ******* for it.
I met a girl online and we clicked, and have gone on a couple of dates.
Two nights ago was our third date and I was treating her to dinner at a local burger place in the city. Nothing fancy, I just wanted some good conversation over a tasty meal.
This girl is a knockout, has the rare quality of being a great listener, and isn’t obsessed with herself. She’s funny, charming, and smart. We had had several great dates and I was getting close to asking her to be my girlfriend.
She sounds great, but in the meantime, she seems to be analyzing if he is boyfriend material…
She is also the one who called me an ******* before the night was done (not her exact words, but we’ll get there.)
Our waitress for dinner was great. Actually enthusiastic and friendly, on point with the refills, and just top-notch service all around.
At one point in the evening, she did spill a partially full glass of water on our table, but it wasn’t really her fault because she had gotten bumped into, and she was very quick to apologize and wipe the table dry with a smile on her face, so if anything that was a point in her column.
At the end of the meal, she brought the check and I told her I would like to speak with her manager.
What? But he said she was great!
She asked if there was something wrong, and I calmly repeated that I would like to speak with her manager and could she please go get him.
She leaves and reappears with the manager a few moments later, and I proceed to tell him that we had gotten excellent service that night, and that (her name) was one of their best.
He thanked me for the feedback and she also looked very happy at the compliment and thanked me.
He almost gave her a heart attack, but everything ended well… Or did it?
The only one not happy was my date.
She said, “If that was supposed to impress me, it didn’t”, and said that I was full of myself.
She didn’t say much else as we gathered our things to leave and there was no kiss at the door that night.
I texted her saying I was sorry for whatever I did wrong and that I’d like to see her again soon, but so far no response.
So pardon my French, but what the hell?
The Schrodinger’s Cat/Compliment: will you be fired or complimented?
Let’s see what Reddit’s take is on this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
This commenter keeps it short.
Odd, indeed.
This person sounds baffled.
Another reader chimes in.
It was not okay.
His date saw the red flag and ran! Hopefully, he will learn from this experience.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
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