Distant Brothers Share Secrets During A Bonding Session, And One Of Them Admits They Cheated On Their Wife. Now His Sibling Has To Decide Whether To Expose The Secret.
by Diana Whelan
After years of silence, a late-night conversation with your brother takes a turn for the worse when he admits to cheating on his wife four years ago.
With a seemingly perfect life now, should you expose his secret for the sake of his wife, or protect family peace?
Read on for the story.
WIBTA if I told a close family friend that her husband cheated on her 4 years ago?
Couple days ago me and my brother were hanging out late night doing regular guy things drinking, watching sports, etc. We haven’t seen each other in maybe 5-6 years so naturally we started talking about life and what’s been going on the past few years.
Towards the end of our conversation we started to get to the “secrets” I mentioned something along the lines that I did various substances, and we both laughed about it saying “Just don’t let mom find out.”
The joke died out after a little bit and then he just blurted out “I cheated on my wife…”
Well, that escalated quickly…from “don’t tell mom” to “don’t tell anyone.”
At first it didn’t register until I saw his face and he was dead serious.
I for one hate cheaters, but I try to do my best not to judge anyone for their actions.
He begins explaining this was something that happened about 4 years ago when his wife was always busy with work. She would travel a lot and be away for weeks at a time. He told me they were going through a tough time back then lots of arguing, not communicating, and that he felt really lonely.
During this same time my brother met a girl at his local gym, started off as friends, slowly kept bonding and you guessed they did the deed. He told me this occasion only happened once and pretty much cut her off after that night because he started to feel guilty for a short while.
Well, that’s one way to “work out” relationship issues.
Few months later his relationship turned for the better for him and his wife. Pretty much after his wife’s travels slowed down his whole relationship has been great. They’ve both gotten promotions, bought a house, more family vacations. (They have a kid) He told me life has been good to him now and he’s just thankful things have finally worked out.
As stated before I hate cheaters and I’ve always felt that the person being cheated on always has the right know. I know for sure this would probably destroy their marriage and there would be a fight for the kid.
My heart tells me I have to tell her because it’s the right thing to do, especially because I’ve known my brother to cheat one other time on an ex-girlfriend couple years before his current wife.
Guess it’s time to make a decision: hero or brother-in-law?
My brain tells me it’s none of my business and I should keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to see their kid go throughout that kind pain either.
On one hand I betray my brother if I say something on the other hand I betray our close family friend because I know this secret and I don’t say anything. I wish he never told me, ignorance is truly bliss.
So there it is, WIBTA if I said something?
It’s a tough spot: do you honor family loyalty, or do the “right” thing, even if it could shatter a family?
Reddit is pretty divided on this one.
This person says everyone’s in the wrong.
This person says OP is the AH.
And this one says he isn’t at all.
Looks like it’s time to choose: keeping peace or keeping secrets.
Either way, someone’s getting hurt.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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