Entitled Golfer Took Shortcuts And Gave Unsolicited Advice To The Staff, So One Attendant Gave Him A Pricey Lesson In Staying In His Lane
by Benjamin Cottrell
Golf might be a gentleman’s game, but not everyone who plays lives up to that high standard.
When one entitled member rudely critiqued the hardworking golf course staff, he soon teed himself up for a hefty extra charge.
You’ll want to read on for this one.
You wanna tell me how to do my job? Enjoy the $40 fee.
My roommate John works as an attendant for a VERY fancy, expensive golf course. Membership only.
The hours are pretty rough, and the pay is OK, but he gets to golf for free, so it works for him.
Lots of Boomers and wealthy folks, though.
The other morning, John had gotten to work before the crack of dawn. He’s tired, didn’t sleep well, but was doing his thing, setting up the range.
So lo and behold, one of his most entitled golfers comes in.
About an hour or so into his shift, this older gentleman, Dave, and a couple of his buddies come by in a golf cart.
Dave starts telling John that he’s doing it wrong, and if he does it this other way, then it should be much easier.
John kinda laughs it off, but he’s been working there for nearly two years, so it’s not like he’s new at this.
John tries to humor Dave, but only ends up more annoyed.
He tries to do it the way Dave suggested.
It is, in fact, not easier to do it that way.
John gets irked because it’s 6:30 a.m., and this man is trying to tell him how to do his job.
Then, a convenient opportunity for petty revenge presents itself.
When John gets back to the clubhouse, he checks the sheets to see who is out on the course.
It’s super early, and there aren’t a lot of people out, so it’s not hard for him to figure out which one is Dave.
John notices that on the sheet, Dave said he wasn’t taking a golf cart (it’s a little box you check), and thus he wasn’t charged the $40 fee that members pay for a cart.
So the attendant makes sure to tell his higher-ups right away.
John informs the supervisor and manager, and they make sure it gets charged to his account.
It’s not much, but it felt good.
Dave thought he was the one doing the teaching, but at the end of the day, it was the clever employee who taught him.
What did Reddit have to say?
Men like Dave seem to be particularly easy targets for this sort of nickel-and-diming.
This commenter who also works in the industry definitely seems to know what’s up.
This commenter has some wise words that apply well to this situation.
Karma made sure he paid his dues.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · annoying customers, baby boomers, boomers, customer service, customer service jobs, fees, golf carts, golf course, golfing, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, rich people, top, wealthy people

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