Greedy Neighbor Stretched His Backyard Into Protected Lands, So He Ended Up Paying A Huge Fine And Losing Everything
by Benjamin Cottrell
Retirement communities promise peace and quiet, but no community is without a few bad apples.
One man watched as his rude neighbor shamelessly (and illegally) carved himself a bigger slice of land in his backyard. So when the authorities came knocking, he had a front row seat to the chaos.
Read on for the full story!
Neighbor tells Gramps he should “mind his own business”. That advice costs neighbor most of his yard and a car.
Gramps had just moved into a retirement park with a lot that backed up to county land, which was a nature preserve.
His backyard was basically non-existent, but he didn’t mind because he got to enjoy the view of the preserve.
His neighbor’s yard looked much bigger, though.
However, he did marvel at how his next-door neighbor’s backyard extended a good eight feet past his, giving the neighbor a nice space back there.
Gramps tried to be friendly with all his new neighbors, exchanging phone numbers and the like.
But there was one neighbor he soon realized would be trouble.
One day, he noticed his next-door neighbor putting down expensive pavers that extended from his back door all the way to the old fence posts marking the preserve boundary.
Gramps watched as the neighbor yanked the three rickety fence posts out of the ground and moved them back an extra two feet into the preserve before pounding them back in.
The neighbor then began clearing the land, intending to gain himself more area for his pavers.
Gramps knew that you shouldn’t mess around with protected land like this.
Gramps, who used to work for the National Park Service as a young man, thought he’d better warn his neighbor about the consequences of his actions.
He headed out back for a little chat.
But the neighbor didn’t really appreciate the tip.
The neighbor immediately got defensive, and before Gramps could say much, the neighbor told him, “You’re new here. I’ve been here 10 years,” and to “mind your own business.”
Gramps decided not to press the issue.
Soon, the neighbor’s good luck began to dry up.
Nothing happened that year, but the following year, when most of the park emptied out for the summer, the county came by to check on the preserve.
Gramps noticed workers going back and forth behind his neighbor’s house. The workers pulled out maps, took photos, and made phone calls.
Soon, more people showed up.
The neighbor was in serious trouble.
It turned out the neighbor had moved the posts several times over the years, and in reality, his backyard was supposed to be even smaller than Gramps’ backyard.
To make matters worse, the neighbor had installed pavers specifically to park both his golf cart and a cherry-red sports car back there for the summer.
The county needed to move these before taking further action.
They taped a notice to the neighbor’s front door and left.
Gramps went over to read it and discovered that the neighbor was in violation of encroaching onto protected lands.
The neighbor was going to pay dearly if he didn’t comply with their rules.
The notice stated that the neighbor had 30 days to move his car, tear up the pavers, and pay a fine of $11,000.
This fine was due to damage to endangered species inhabiting the protected lands, as well as trespassing fees.
Failure to comply within 30 days would result in the golf cart and car being towed and impounded, the pavers being dug up and carted off at the neighbor’s expense, and the fine increasing for every additional day past the deadline.
The 30 days came and went.
So gramps watched as the feds descended on his neighbor’s home.
A week later, Gramps had quite the show as the car and cart were towed, the pavers were dug up and hauled off, and the old fence posts and ropes were replaced with metal posts embedded in cement bases and connected by steel cables.
The whole process took several weeks to finish, but when it was done, the preserve looked much more secure.
Solar cameras were also installed so the county could monitor the wildlife — and encroachers — remotely.
Meanwhile, more notices were taped to the neighbor’s front door.
When the neighbor returned, he was in for quite a surprise.
By November, the snowbirds returned to the park, including the neighbor. This provided Gramps with his second show of the summer.
The neighbor read all the notices, digging down until he found the first one.
So the neighbor lost it – big time.
He then ran out back, screaming and cussing up a storm, before rushing to his car to retrieve his cell phone and call the county to find out where his car and golf cart were.
Gramps stayed indoors to avoid the man, who frantically tried to unload his car, turn on his water and electricity, get the AC and toilets working, and get someone at the county to answer his call.
When the neighbor finally got a live person on the line, he screamed at them on speakerphone about his car and cart. The call kept getting transferred to others because no one wanted to help a screamer.
Eventually, the neighbor was told to come to the county office to sort it out.
Then he took his anger out on gramps.
Three days later, the neighbor caught Gramps outside and asked if he had been there when the county “stole his car and destroyed his backyard.”
Gramps said he had been there.
The neighbor then asked, “Why didn’t you call me when you saw them putting notices on my door? You had my number up north!”
So gramps knew exactly what to say.
Gramps replied, “I had thought about doing that, but I figured you’d prefer me to ‘mind my own business,’ so I decided against it.”
His neighbor played dirty and it finally came back to bite him!
What did Reddit think?
There’s nothing better than when the trash takes itself out!
Grandpas: What would we do without them?
This commenter imagines the satisfaction gramps must have felt when his neighbor finally got their just deserts.
Warnings have a way of sneaking up on you, don’t they?
This neighbor’s little scheme crumbled faster than his illegally placed pavement. And gramps? Well he didn’t even have to lift a finger.
Sometimes silence serves you well.
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