His Neighbor’s Backyard Pool Is Neglected And Now There Are Tons Of Mosquitoes. So When His Roommate Proposes Pouring Bleach In It, He’s Torn Between Solving The Problem And Potentially Putting Himself In Legal Hot Water.
by Kyra Piperides
When you have great neighbors, life can feel so much easier. But when they’re a little out of the ordinary, sometimes things get a lot more complicated.
Take the guy in this story, for example. He’s put up with his weird neighbor for over a decade, but this time his neglect of his property has become too much for the guy to take.
So his roommate suggests taking action.
Read on to find out what happened next.
WIBTA if we poured bleach into the neighbor’s pool?
We live in a quiet residential area next door to an eccentric old man.
He has a pool that hasn’t had water in it since we lived here (over ten years) and is not maintained in any fashion. We had recent rain, so there’s a couple of feet of water. It’s green, gunky, just disgusting.
Well now it’s mosquito season. Great. So our mosquito situation here has ramped up considerably and as you know you should not have standing water.
This swimming pool looks like an oozing lake of green gunk and the mosquitoes are exploding in our yard, probably coming from the next door neighbor.
Uh-oh. Let’s find out how this man navigated this disgusting problem.
We could call the county body that handles spraying for mosquitoes, but that could result in this man getting fined or worse.
We’ve mentioned it to him and he says he will take care of it but nothing happens. I’m sure he can’t afford anything.
Last year I recalled it was bad then it got better, so I told my roommate let’s wait before we get anyone in trouble.
But that is where the story took a turn.
My roommate confessed that last year he hopped the fence when he was sure the neighbor was out and poured bleach in the pool. That eliminated the problem apparently.
At first I was mortified, then I realized that maybe this was the easiest solution because it doesn’t get the homeowner in trouble and we don’t look like snitches.
It’s not like the neighbor will ever use this pool for anything.
Yikes! Read on to find out how he tried to justify this!
Is there a better way to handle this that doesn’t involve getting this eccentric person in trouble?
As a reminder, they are eccentric and odd – also very standoffish.
They never go into the backyard so they don’t know what’s going on back there and I don’t think understand the gravity of the situation.
This is a tricky one.
Honestly, the bleach is a genius but highly inappropriate method of tackling this problem.
But there are all sorts of moral and ethical codes to take into consideration here too.
Let’s see what folks on Reddit thought about this guy’s dilemma.
This expert offered some clear advice.
While this person pointed out that, if the neighbor did get around to doing something about it, the consequences of the roommate’s actions could be disastrous.
Meanwhile, another comment pointed out perhaps the best solution of all.
This guy and his roommate might be acting on the best of intentions, but trespassing and distributing hazardous chemicals around a neighbor’s property really isn’t okay.
Communication has to be the best tool to dealing with this situation in a way that is safe for everyone.
Nobody wants mosquitos, but the consequences of this approach could be much worse.
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