Her Boyfriend Wanted Her To Get A TV In Her House, But She Refused To Get Anything Other Than What She Absolutely Needed
by Sarrah Murtaza
Oftentimes material possessions can become the ground level for a lot of trouble and fights in a relationship.
Things get tricky when couples don’t have the same priorities when it comes to possessions.
Find out why this couple broke into a fight over a TV!
AITA for cursing at my partner for pressuring me to buy a TV?
I(23F) started dating this guy(20M) a few months ago(it’s been two months since we became official) and things have been going really well.
This is not a bf diss track.
This is where it gets bad!
We usually hang out at my place since he lives with his parents, and he noticed that I don’t own a tv and finds it weird.
Now I’ve been living by myself for years and I’ve never owned one simply because I never felt like I needed one.
Everything I like to do in my free time, I can do it on my laptop.
My parents own a tv but I never ever use theirs when I visit them.
It’s just not my thing.
She barely has anything in the house!
I have one bed, one couch, and one beanbag(he bought it for me) in my apt and that’s it. No chair, no additional lights(I use candles), no tv or gadgets, no thank you.
He’s been suggesting me to buy a TV for a while saying that it’ll be nice to be able to watch something and have something to talk about.
He simply wanted to do something together with her…
He’s a gamer and said he could bring his game consoles so we can play some video games together. He said that people would find it odd that I don’t own a tv if I invite them over since everyone owns one.
I don’t agree with any of the points he made.
We can watch shows on my laptop(a bigger screen would be better, that’s what he said, I think not), the video game thing, that’s mainly what he wants to do as I’m not a gamer myself.
She is not convinced by his arguments at all!
The last point, I find it most outrageous, because, who cares what others think?
I don’t even like to invite people over in general and if I do and if they have issues with me not owning a tv they can pack and leave.
It’s my apt, I have no obligation to cater to anybody else besides me.
She knows she’s not going to be the one paying for that TV!
I’ve made it clear to him that I’m not getting a tv and he keeps being persistent. And one day when I had enough of him pressuring me to buy something I don’t want, I cursed at him.
I told him that he’s being mean and if he wants a tv in my apt that much he can buy me one and set that up all by himself.
She isn’t sure if she even likes his bossy attitude…
He has a tendency to be bossy or gives me lots of advice and it usually doesn’t bother me and I even appreciate it sometimes(I can be spacey and reckless) because I know that he means well.
But some of the suggestions he makes, I find it off putting like this tv thing or him telling me to buy more utensils(I have one pair of fork and knife, no spoon, I eat out 5-6 days of the week)
He seemed really hurt when I cursed him out, and now I feel like maybe I could’ve been less mean.
He comes over to my apt about once a week if any of y’all are curious.
UH OH! It doesn’t really sound like they’re compatible!
Let’s find out what The Reddit community has to say about this one.
This user thinks it’s obvious that this relationship isn’t going well.
This user knows this girl’s lifestyle isn’t sustainable.
This user isn’t sure why she wouldn’t get extra cutlery in the house!
Exactly! This user blames her for this entire situation!
Exactly! This user thinks she has an absurd lifestyle!
Why is she so set against a TV?
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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