Her Mom Got Into Her Makeup And Messed It Up, Even Though She’d Expressly Said She Would Do It For Her
by Michael Levanduski
Good quality makeup can really help you to look your best, and sometimes you want to share it with friends or family.
What would you do if your mother used your best makeup even after you asked her not to, and when she used it, she ruined the rest of the product?
That is what happened to the daughter in this story, so she shouted at her mother and now mom is upset about it.
Check it out.
AITA for refusing to let my mom use my makeup products
I (19) did my mom’s (56) makeup yesterday for fun.
She ended up really liking how I was able to cover up her dark spots and asked me what I used.
This sounds like some expensive makeup.
I told her it was a color corrector that I bought in Korea.
She then asked me to explain it to her, because she “wanted to use it from now on too”.
I went through and explained how each color is meant to “correct” another (basically just told her I used the peachy color to correct her dark spots).
She then says “I’m going to use it tomorrow before I leave for church in the morning.”
She is making herself very clear.
I tell her “PLEASE wake me up and have ME put it on you.”
I was extremely nervous about this because she has a history of using my makeup without asking me and 99% of the time she uses products incorrectly and damages them.
So, I told her I’d rather she not use mine at all but if she insisted, to have me there to make sure she doesn’t mess up my products that I paid for.
As I’m going to bed, I consider hiding my color corrector before sleeping so that no matter what she won’t use it without my supervision.
However, I decide to trust her and go to bed.
The morning rolls around and I wake up to see her already rummaging through my products in my room.
I say “??? Did you already use my color corrector?? “ and she says “yeah!”
I would be pretty upset as well.
I bolt up and look at it and am horrified to find that she’s done everything I was scared she’d do.
She didn’t know how much of the product to use, so she overshot and now there are two humongous craters in the product.
She also MIXED the two colors that are in the product.
The green is supposed to counteract redness and the peach is supposed to counteract dark spots—she mixed both together so now the entire product is just this ugly, muddy mess.
I asked her why she used it when I explicitly told her 100 times to make sure I was awake and supervising her.
She told me that she tried to wake me up and I didn’t respond, so she just went ahead and used it.
I said, “if I didn’t respond, then you should have PUT IT DOWN???? How am I supposed to use this now??????”
And she told me I was overreacting and to hurry up and give her more of my products before she left.
I told her to get out of my room and kicked her out.
I think she is mad for getting called out.
She yelled at me, saying that I was overreacting over nothing and slammed my door on her way out.
I spent the morning crying in frustration.
It’s not like she was asleep while I did her makeup with the color corrector, SHE SAW ME USE IT AND LITERALLY HAD ME EXPLAIN IT.
Never once did I even touch the green colored corrector, so why did she go and mix them?
Not to mention, can’t she see the product clearly has the color separated into their own sections?
You can SEE from the fact there is no mixing that I’ve used this product intentionally not mixing the colors, so why would she think that it would be a good idea to mix them?
She is definitely not wrong for being upset, the mother really overstepped here.
Read on to see what people in the comments think about this situation.
Sadly, this is likely true.
This commenter says mom basically stole from her.
Yup, mom definitely crossed a boundary.
Here is a great suggestion from a commenter.
This person says mom needs to pay her back.
Mom needs to learn to respect her daughter’s things.
She should have done that by now.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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