Musician’s Partner Subtly Teases Woman Who Caused Family Drama By Calling Her The Wrong Name Every Time
by Heather Hall
Few things are as satisfying as finding a subtle way to deal with someone who rubs you the wrong way.
So, what would you do if someone entered your life under questionable circumstances, causing drama and hurt to people you care about? Would you confront them? Or would you find a harmless yet hilarious way to let them know where they stand in your world?
In today’s story, one person is given this exact opportunity. Here’s how they handled it.
That’s not my name.
My partner is a professional musician. One of her bandmate’s mother’s had dementia and lived in memory care for many years before she died.
The Bandmate’s dad, “Rob” came to many shows. While his wife was in memory care, Rob met a new friend, “Linda,” and started bringing her to shows.
Linda talked Rob into giving her son his car and causing other financial and family drama. The bandmate sought therapy to deal with the frustration and anger of seeing them in the audience while trying to perform.
The first time I met her, I said, nice to meet you, Marilyn. She corrected me.
Each time he saw her, he called her by a different name.
I saw her a few months later and said, “Hello Lorna.” Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned away before she said anything.
When Bandmate posted about his beloved mother’s death, people responded by saying they had met her last month. Or that they watched her dance with Rob. I had to tell several friends that the woman they saw was Rob’s “companion,” not his bandmate’s mom.
I saw her once or twice a year. Hello Nancy. Hello LouAnn. Hello Melinda.
Petty and satisfying.
Yikes! Wonder if she understood why he did that.
Let’s see what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about this story.
What a sweet man.
As this person points out, it must’ve been really hard for the friend.
This is a similar situation.
Here’s another way of looking at it.
What a funny way to deal with her. As far as she knew, it could’ve just been an honest mistake.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · band member, cheating man, dementia, family drama, funny prank, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top, wrong name

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