Neighbor Kept Pestering A New Mother About Her Crying Baby, So She Got Back At Her By Messing Up Her Yard
by Heide Lazaro
Some neighbors are rude and insensitive. They can’t understand the struggles of a solo parent.
This man shares a story of his great grandmother and her rude neighbor in the 50s.
The neighbor would make hurtful comments and insults when she couldn’t make her baby stop crying.
His great grandmother was pretty smart and found a clever way to get revenge without getting caught!
Read the full story below for all the details.
Great grandmother
The year 1950, my great grandmother was a solo parent with her husband in the Korean War.
She took care of her newborn baby.
This was a new experience for her and had zero help or idea of being a mother.
She did her best with keeping the baby happy.
Her neighbor would drop hurtful remarks.
Well, she had a neighbor that kept pestering her about the baby crying.
She explained how she was doing the best she can.
But the neighbor would say “she is the worst mother.”
As a payback, she planted carrot seeds in the neighbor’s yard.
Here is where the revenge starts!
My great grandmother noticed the neighbor planting new grass in her from yard, so one night, she went over and planted carrot seeds all over!
The neighbor, after the grass started growing, started to brag, saying how she can take care of grass better than her with the baby.
The neighbor was so annoyed while picking out the carrots.
A few weeks go by and the neighbor is out picking carrots out of the ground.
So my great grandmother went over and asked what’s going on?
The neighbor was upset that the grass seed was mixed with carrot seed.
Needless to say my great grandmother was never caught and had the best revenge I’ve ever heard.
Hahaha! That was funny and genius. Let’s read the reactions of other people on Reddit.
This user has another funny idea.
While this person suggests a lot more plants.
She must have done something right, says this person.
And finally, a nice play on words.
Who would have thought that carrots could be genius petty revenge?
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · baby, carrots, grass, great grandmother, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, top

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