Out-Of-Towners Blocked A Driveway Without Thinking Twice, So A Homeowner Made Sure They Didn’t Leave Without A Dusty Lesson In Respect
by Benjamin Cottrell
Some drivers treat quiet town streets like their own rest stop, but they don’t always think about the people who live there.
One fed-up resident decided to get even by turning their mower into a dust-blasting protest.
Read on for the full story!
You want to park across my driveway? Fine, do that.
I live on the main road of a tiny town, which happens to be on a popular caravan route.
There’s a café just two doors down from me.
Travelers along this route aren’t exactly the most considerate.
I frequently have vans partially blocking my driveway.
It’s annoying, but as long as I can get my car out, I don’t usually make a fuss.
Today, though… Ah, today was different.
One couple’s parking job was so bad, so brazen the homeowner just couldn’t ignore it.
A pair of boomers with a giant four-wheeler and a massive caravan didn’t even pretend to leave space.
They parked squarely across my driveway, with the hitch literally sitting right in the middle of it.
The bad parking job wasn’t even saving them that much time.
The frustrating part?
All they had to do was park about ten meters further up the road, and there wouldn’t have been any issue.
Luckily, the homeowner thought of a clever idea.
Earlier, I had just finished mowing my front lawn.
Normally, I don’t bother with the nature strip — it’s dry, mostly dirt and gravel, and the council takes care of it anyway.
But today, I decided to make sure I had the best-tended nature strip in town.
Gravel flew everywhere.
And they mean everywhere.
Some gravel might have hit the car or the van.
Who can say for sure?
Either way, there was definitely a nice, thin film of dust left on both vehicles.
Then the homeowner decided to confront them head on.
When the Mrs. returned to the car, I politely pointed out that they had blocked my driveway.
She had the grace to look embarrassed.
Mr. didn’t say a word.
He didn’t even have the courage to make eye contact.
I kept mowing until they left.
Forget them.
Let’s hope this couple learned that respecting your surroundings is more important than finding a convenient spot.
Reddit is sure to get a kick out of this.
If it was this user in that situation, they would have taken their revenge a lot further.
This commenter has a hot tip on how to make this revenge hurt even more.
Next time, forget the lawn mower…
This user has a brilliant way they can cover their tracks!
Blocking a driveway might not have ruined their trip, but it certainly kicked up some unexpected dirt along the way.
And that’s exactly what they deserve for playing dirty.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · baby boomers, bad parking job, blocked driveway, boomers, parking, parking problems, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, rude people, top

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