Credit Card Customer Did Some Digging After Getting A Fraudulent Charge On Her Account And Finds A Big Scam
by Ashley Ashbee
If you don’t watch your bank accounts thoroughly, chances are that you won’t notice unauthorized charges immediately, for months or maybe even never.
“Dispute the charge and lock your card, friends,” says TikTokker @samtiktoksthings after she noticed fraud in her bills.
It’s an “Unauthorized DBX Digital credit card charge for $7.99.”
This might not seem like a lot of money, but it’s fraudulent regardless and these things add up.
“Apparently that company used to sell Date Night boxes,” and Sam had purchased one… 8 years ago.
“What’s even crazier is that when you Google DBX Digital, the only thing that pops up are people talking about these fraudulent charges.”
That’s one of the benefits of Reddit. It has incredible SEO power in Google. People talk and it’s easy to find.
“But if you Google Happily Co (Another billing name scam victims might see),” Sam explains, “A website pops up, but it’s completely shut down.”
Maybe this is the beginning of the end of this fraud.
Watch the full clip.
@samtiktoksthings Replying to @crr53089 It’s crazy how many people are dealing with this DBX Digital credit card charge right now (and homestly lots of other scams too 😭) Despute the charge and lock your cards, friends!! 🫠🫶🏼 #creditcard #creditcards #fraudalert #datasecurity
Here is what folks are saying.
I guess it’s not worth it to them.
It’s definitely a privilege.
Excellent question. I wonder how they’re doing this.
Very wise move.
I’m curious, also.
Keep your eyes peeled.
If you liked that story, check out this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bank, cancel subscription, credit card fraud, picture, scam, top, video, viral

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