Student Realizes He’s Late For Work, But When His Tutor Asks Why He’s In Such A Rush, The Student Is Rude And Refuses To Answer Him
by Laura Ornella
Stress can bring out the worst in some of us.
Read how one Redditor’s tutoring session gets rudely interrupted, and how he acts rudely toward his tutor because of it.
Now, the student is wondering if he should’ve done something different or if his tutor is the one who overreacted.
Let’s read all the details.
AITA for snapping at my tutor because I was late to work?
I, (15M), attend a private school on scholarship and have really struggled with a lot of things throughout my time there — socially and academically — as it’s been difficult to balance keeping my GPA above the threshold and working to help my sister pay rent.
I’ve always struggled with math, and ever since I’ve started working more hours, my grades [have] been getting worse, and I’m scared to lose my scholarship.
But this student was able to get the help he needed — from a classmate.
I talked to my math teacher and learning specialist about this, and since I can’t afford a tutor, they’ve decided it was a good idea to pair me up with another student in my class (15M).
For simplicity, we’ll call him Allen (fake name).
Now, a couple of things you should know about me:
Firstly, I’d say I’m quite good at English/related subjects (when I’m not rambling on Reddit), and second, I’m not exactly fond of Allen. Despite that, it’s been quite a beneficial partnership for us both (we tutor each other in different subjects).
But, during one session, the duo lost track of time.
My grades have been improving, and we’ve even started to develop a sort of friendship.
However, here’s the situation: Allen was tutoring me after school (not the ideal time, but I needed help for a test I had the day after), and we lost track of time.
When I saw the time, I realized I was about to be late for work and stood up to leave. I was packing up quickly, so Allen asked why I was in such a rush, and I kind of froze.
One thing about this school is that there aren’t many scholarship kids like myself, and the students are pretty ruthless towards them (I’ve seen a lot of students get bullied because of it) — so I’ve tried to keep it hidden from anyone.
And, let’s just say the student’s response wasn’t very kind…
Here’s where I might be the jerk, though: I refused to give him an explanation and tried to run out, but he caught me by the wrist and asked again.
At this point, I was pretty mad and told him to mind his own business.
He still wouldn’t let me go and said that he was “just worried about me,” but I was really running late, so I snapped at him that it was none of his business to stop being worried because I was doing great and to leave me alone.
I know he was just worried, but I just really needed to go and forgot about it until the next day.
However, this student’s friend wasn’t going to let him live this down.
The next day, I came to school, and one of our mutual friends, I’ll call her Shelly (14F), came up to me and asked what was wrong with me and called me a jerk for yelling at Allen when he just wanted to help.
In my eyes, I was just trying to get where I was going, and he was being pushy (we’re not very close friends), but now I’m not too sure.
So, was his treatment of the tutor too harsh or is everyone blowing this out of proportion?
Let’s see what Reddit has to say with the comments below.
Redditors overwhelmingly said, “YTA.”
Many suggested the student apologize.
And readers felt the tutor was genuinely concerned.
Commenters suggested a vague answer would’ve been best.
And one user even recommended talking to the school counselor.
This student seems to be struggling with stress — therapy could help.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, anxiety, high school drama, learning, picture, private school, reddit, scholarship, school, School drama, top, tutor

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