Teen Confronts Mother For Mocking Her Autism, And Tells Her To Act Her Age And Grow Up
by Heather Hall
Generally, parents are expected to guide and support their kids, but occasionally, the roles flip, and kids find themselves speaking hard truths to their parents.
What would you do if a loved one repeatedly mocked your behavior despite knowing how much it hurt you?
Would you ignore it?
Or would you call them out, even if it risked escalating things?
In the following story, a teenager finds herself in this exact situation and wonders if she was wrong for snapping at her mother.
Here’s how it all went down.
AITA for telling my mom to grow up?
I’m 16F, and I have Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Earlier today, my mom, 40F was mocking me for the way I spoke.
I tend to have a hard time expressing how I feel when I talk, so everything comes out monotone.
I’ve learned to deal with it a bit better now, but I’m not always perfect when it comes to expressing things, even when I try my hardest.
My mom has recently decided that since I got diagnosed with ASD, this must mean that she’s autistic as well.
So she doesn’t take any of my boundaries or needs seriously and thinks I’m making up everything I talk about.
Understandably, she was upset, so she snapped at the mother.
Today, I kinda snapped when she started repeating what I said in a robotic tone, mocking how I spoke.
She does that a lot, and I’m not exactly sure why it affected me so much at that moment.
I just said something along the lines of: “You are forty years old. Forty. Grow up.”
I hate the phrase “growing up” because I’m told to grow up when I say I don’t want to be hugged at social gatherings, among other things I’m uncomfortable with.
But in this situation, I think she deserved it.
I believe that it was really childish for her to mock me again and again.
She was really upset, and I could hear her ranting on the phone about me.
Although I couldn’t hear exactly what she said, I heard my voice being mentioned.
I feel guilty for hurting her feelings, but at the same time, I kinda feel like she needed to hear that.
Wow! This mother has some nerve.
Let’s see what the readers over at Reddit have to say about her story.
This person empathizes with her.
As this person points out, a mother is supposed to be a source of comfort.
Agree! She is bullying her daughter.
This is basically what she did tell her.
There’s nothing wrong with the daughter standing up for herself.
The mother really needs to stop because treating your child like this is unacceptable.
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Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, autism, bad mother, childish behavior, daughter, hurt feelings, picture, reddit, teenager, top

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