Rude Sister-In-Law Told Everyone She Didn’t Want Popcorn For Christmas, So She Gave Her A Very Special Anonymous Gift
by Mila Cardozo
Dealing with difficult people can be draining, and people usually can’t take it indefinitely.
In this woman’s case, she decided to prank her sister-in-law and give her popcorn when she stated very clearly (and dramatically) that she did NOT want ANY popcorn.
But she also had a surprise.
Let’s see what happened.
SIL fumes about getting popcorn for Christmas
My husband has 3 older sisters and the oldest is an absolute pill.
I know the word narcissist gets thrown around a lot, but it’s the best way to describe her.
She is God’s gift to the planet.
Every guy wants to date her, everyone woman wants to be like her.
And that’s why no one will help her because they are jealous and want to pull her down.
This is how she thinks about herself.
Everything in her life is bad and she is constantly complaining and making herself to be the victim.
She grew tired of her sister-in-law’s behavior.
So after 8 years of her negativity and making herself out to the “victim”, I decided to pull a tiny little prank and make her the actual victim.
Because if I have to listen to her crap, I want it to actually be real.
So about a month before Christmas, the family gets a text from her with a list of things she wants/needs for Christmas. (She was 45 years old at this point).
In the text she made a big deal to mention how she does NOT want popcorn.
She brought a lot of attention to the fact she didn’t want popcorn…
She went into a rant saying how she always gets so much popcorn every year and she used to eat it a lot, but she doesn’t really eat it anymore, so DON’T get her any.
Well, I decided to buy her popcorn.
First, I wrapped it up in some wrapping paper that I didn’t use for anyone else (so it can’t be tied to me).
Then I wrote her name in big capital letters with sharpie (so it doesn’t look like my handwriting), and didn’t sign a name who it was from (again, no ties to me).
She set the trap and waited patiently, but had a surprise of her own first.
The day of the In-law Christmas came and while unloading the Christmas presents I snuck it in under the tree way in the back away from all the gifts we brought.
In the middle of the gift opening, she opens a present from one of the other sisters and IT’S A BOX OF POPCORN! Lol!!!!
She goes into this long-winded rant about she asked to not get any and why can’t anyone ever listen to what she says, blah, blah, blah.
The sister apologizes, one of the nieces offers to take it, and the whole incident is brushed under the rug.
But the night wasn’t over yet.
The gift-giving goes on and there’s one more gift under the tree, tucked way in the back.
It’s pulled out, given to her, and she opens it. Then proceeds to lose her ****.
For the next 5 minutes, she goes off, making the biggest deal about it, questioning who did it, looking at the wrapping paper and not finding who it’s from, trying to identify the wrapping paper.
Did she call the cops?
It was a glorious thing to behold.
At this point everyone is tired of her and all the gifts were open, so she gets ignored because they are all talking amongst themselves.
To this day my husband is the only one who knows it was me and he didn’t know about it til we were in the car leaving.
Every time I have to put up with her, I just remember, “I’m the one who gave you the popcorn”.
And suddenly, as if magic, she doesn’t quite irritate me as much. Lol.
Who needs therapy when you can make a narcissist mad over something nobody else would be this mad about?
Let’s see what Redditors have to say about this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
*Dramatic music plays*
Someone else had the same idea.
This will turn the family into an Agatha Christie novel.
Another reader chimes in.
That’s pure evil.
She almost ruined the Christmas party over popcorn.
Now that’s some drama!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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