His Girlfriend Told Him She Expects Them To Be Engaged On A Certain Timetable, But Now That He’s Unemployed He Wants Her Help With Money And She Says No Way
by Kyra Piperides
Everyone’s idea of a committed relationship is different.
For some, it means a verbal agreement.
For others it comes from living together, while occasionally people need the ring and the certificate.
They all have their own reasons.
But for the couple in this story, the expectations were quite clear from the start: she wanted to be married.
So when he hasn’t delivered, but is expecting more and more from her, things get quite complicated.
Read on to see what happened.
AITA for expecting my girlfriend to support me while I’m unemployed?
I lost my job four months ago and Employment Insurance doesn’t cover my full living expenses.
I had to buy a car since mine had 330,000 km on it and the engine issue wasn’t worth fixing.
After that I had couple thousand saved, and that has been completely wiped out.
Now I’m not able to cover all my expenses.
I asked my girlfriend to help cover my expenses, but she has refused because I didn’t propose before this.
We have been dating for three years and have lived together for two.
Uh-oh. Things are about to get awkward.
She had told me three dates in that she expected to be engaged in about two years of dating.
As a result, she is very unhappy with me because I haven’t proposed.
I’m sure she is the one, I’m just still hesitant about marriage.
Now she has told me she is trying to get over the fact she has wasted three years with me.
I told her to give me some time and she has thankfully not pushed it.
This was shortly before my work announced they were cutting people and I was let go.
Let’s find out how this situation escalated.
Now she says I’m expecting too much from her, since I’m not ready for marriage but am expecting her to help me with rent.
We have been dating for three years: doesn’t that count for something?!
If it was a year in I understand if it was too early, but we have been together for a long time.
But she told it was meaningless since I haven’t proposed, and she refuses to help me as I could just decide I don’t want marriage and bail on her at any time.
I could have bailed at any time while dating – and still can bail after we get engaged – but I didn’t and I won’t.
We have been serious for a long time, why is the ring and marriage all that matters?!
Read on to find out how the girlfriend reacted.
I’ve told her that, since she won’t help, it’s shown me she isn’t serious either.
She told me it’s fine, we can just end the lease and I can go back to live with family if I can’t afford rent here.
I’m getting interview requests back and did an interview already, although I didn’t get it.
It’s crazy to me she would waste three years over covering a bit more rent and groceries.
This guy is expecting a whole lot from his girlfriend when he hasn’t met her stated parameters.
But, at the same time, she is behaving pretty entitled, too – with their high demands, it seems like this couple are made for each other.
Let’s see what the folks of Reddit had to say about this.
One comment thought that if he couldn’t meet her demands, there’s no reason she should meet his.
While this person agreed that he should have taken his girlfriend’s expectations seriously.
Meanwhile, others gave him a serious reality check.
No job? No ring?
This guy needs to learn about commitment.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, money, money problems, money struggles, picture, reddit, relationship, relationship problems, stories, top, unemployed, unemployment

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