Business Owner Kept Breaking Her Promises And Finally Fired An Employee, So He Reported Her To Medicaid For Fraud
by Michael Levanduski
Many employers make promises to their employees about raises or promotions, but then they never materialize when the time comes.
What would you do if your employer had been stringing you along for months and then ended up firing you when you stood up to her?
That is what happened to the guy in this story, so he took some evidence of fraud that he had and got the employer in big trouble.
Check it out.
Busted for fraud. The count of Monte-Medicaid
I live in a remote area where it’s hard to find work.
I’ve worked a number of jobs since living here for years.
As a result, have made new friends and established a pretty good network of professional contacts and community members.
There are not a lot of young and willing to work people, so I was approached often to come and work for other businesses.
I was asked by my former employer (the owner) to leave the business I was working for at the time for a more clinical role with her that would be full time.
There was one caveat if I left to work for her, I would only be making a little bit more than minimum wage.
The main reason I accepted was to put this clinical experience on my resume, in a matter of months, I was told she would pay me more than I could make with any other business around.
And I would also have more time to work on finishing school.
Empty promises.
HOWEVER, the raise never happened.
I would bring it up every couple of months and say “well remember you said if I learned to do this, or made a new system for this, we could talk about the idea of a raise?”.
This went on for my entire time there for a year.
If someone called in, I was always there.
I was handling appointments and procedures by myself.
Coming in on weekends if there was an emergency etc.
Mind you, I have clinical experience prior to this job.
But no experience in this specific field, or this (physically) hands on with patients before.
No exaggeration, she would tell me every month how well I was doing.
How much she appreciated me stepping up, and how quickly I’ve learned.
And if I just held on a little longer, a raise could be discussed the following month.
Well about 5 months in, due to insurance issues, and my need to focus on school, I had to cut my hours.
I had gone from full time which was only like 30-32 hours a week, to 25-27 hrs.
Not at all a big adjustment, especially for the owner to cover those hours. (Wasn’t a 40 hrs a week kind of establishment).
I was then able to qualify for Medicaid.
This was my main concern for cutting my hours.
I was “full time” for the number of days the business was open per week.
How on Earth is she on Medicaid?
After explaining why I needed to cut my hours, the owner confessed to me that she too is on Medicaid.
Ummm excuse me??
What the heck is a woman who has a license to practice medicine, and her own paid off clinic doing on Medicaid??
This woman was making 6 figures the last two years, alone.
And her husband was employed as well.
She told me who’s gonna know she’s on Medicaid? Who is policing the program?
After all, she’s been on it for several years at this point, and her husband, and their kids.
She said she was “pre approved”.
I tried explaining to her that yeah you’re pre approved, unless something changed like idk opening your own practice and making 6 figures a year?
She wasn’t an idiot, she knew she was committing fraud.
But I only urged her to get on a private insurance, and didn’t pry. Remember for later.
At this same time another employee who was “full time” had to cut her hours too for a part time job that paid more and was closer to her home.
Realizing she couldn’t skate by with only paying her employees barely above minimum wage, the owner called a staff meeting to explain why she was paying everyone BS wages and the raises we’ve all been waiting for hadn’t happened yet.
She said money was tight opening a new business, kids, husband, it was all weighing on her.
She also took this opportunity to call out me and the other employee for bringing up the idea of a raise during our evaluations every month.
She then explained she would have to send some people home early to save a few bucks every week.
Of course, there were a couple brownnosers who reassured the owner she was doing her best and we should ALL be grateful.
Anyways, the business was fine even with some employees hours being shortened, and some being cut.
Wow, this woman sounds very entitled.
Contradicting her “hurting for money” facade, this woman buys a $600,000 home with a view and asks me to move in with her to help her pay her mortgage.
This happened on 3 occasions.
I was polite, and refused.
And as a result, was retaliated against.
It was during this time that she started telling me not to come in, on top of my already abbreviated schedule.
She would call me days in advance and tell me she just couldn’t afford me this week, etc. then she started calling me only MINUTES before a shift telling me not to come in.
I was averaging like 12 hours a week my last few weeks there.
This rapid decline in my hours happened over the course of about a month.
This woman was sloppy, had all her personal reminders on our staff wide system.
I had seen a reminder for her to cut my hours (and only mine) and look for unpaid interns to make up the hours I would have been working.
So, naturally, the next time they called me in only minutes before my shift began, (I was already at work anyways) I called them out on everything I knew.
The owner and our HR rep had no idea what to say.
And of course fired me.
Shortly after, they tried to fight my unemployment request where I came with receipts.
This should be an easy case.
I had photo evidence and recordings proving that they cut my schedule same day, and my termination was all a result of their retaliation for simply asking why they’d done this.
I also knew the HR woman was handling the unemployment argument against me, and not the owner.
So, I also detailed in my rebuttal that everyone at the clinic had heard awful gossip about her from the owner herself.
This woman was manipulative, condescending, controlling, and so so privileged.
She threw a fit if she didn’t get her way.
Jealous of other women and always making snide remarks.
Even condescending to her husband in front of a room full of people, so embarrassing.
I was able to get unemployment, because obviously they had nothing against me.
The government doesn’t take kindly to people who engage in this type of fraud.
I reported her for benefit fraud shortly after.
She was riding that train for over 2 years and had a lot of bills to pay back.
She needed to pay for my unemployment, and she’d then be forced to get on her own private insurance plan for herself and her dumb kids.
All while struggling to make payments on that fancy new house she screwed all her employees over for.
Her privilege only took her so far, and she was never able to get an unpaid intern lol, and the last update I got from the fraud report (couldn’t get details of an amount she had to pay) was that she has some making up to do, and possible felony charges.
The government is also monitoring her business and the “charity” she was running also. 👀
She had to know she was going to get caught eventually, what an idiot.
Let’s see what the people in the comments had to say.
This is very concerning.
Exactly, never stay loyal to a company.
This is just common sense.
Interesting, I never knew this.
Yes, things worked out in the end.
How did she manage to run a business making such terrible decisions?
This woman sounds like a nightmare.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad boss, cutting hours, disgruntled employee, employer, fraud, medicare, Medicare fraud, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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