When You Have A Lot On Your Mind, You Can Forget Even The Simplest Things. Just Like This TikToker Did And Left Her Car Running.
by Michael Levanduski
When you have a lot to do, simple things can slip your mind.
That’s what happened to this TikToker when she was stopping by the hospital to see her father, and she forgot to turn off the car.
She tells the story in this video, which starts off with her walking behind the car and saying, “So, you’ve got to be kidding. I’m in this parking garage because my dad’s in the hospital.”
It is totally understandable that she is distracted. She goes on with the story, saying “I’ve been here since 11:30 and its now 3.
That’s three and a half hours, a nice long visit.
She continues on, explaining, “And I left my car running. Yeah.”
Oh No! That is awful.
She finishes the video by asking herself, “Who does that?”
Honestly, if her dad is in the hospital I’m sure she is very distracted.
While she has an excuse, I’m sure she still feels stupid.
Check out the full video to see for yourself.
You can see the video here:
Read through the comments below as well.
This person says he works security and sees this all the time.
Here is someone who is just glad the car was still there.
This commenter tries to comfort her.
If you liked that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who gave two weeks notice… so his employer disabled his truck when he was 300 miles from home!
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · car, car left on, car on, car running, forgot keys, keys, left car running, locked car, parking, parking lot, stock, tiktok, top, video, viral

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