January 24, 2025 at 5:23 am

Woman’s Boyfriend Was Proud Of His Performance At His New Job, But When He Compared His Output To A Colleague’s She Called Him Arrogant

by Mila Cardozo

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/AndreaPiacquadio

There’s always a time and a place to bring something up.

In this case, this woman told her boyfriend he was arrogant when he expressed feeling proud of how he was doing at his new job.

He got upset, and now she’s wondering if she owes him an apology.

Let’s analyze the situation.

AITA for telling my boyfriend he is arrogant

My boyfriend recently started a new job in a callcenter. He has been doing very good and got lots of positive feedback.

He told me again today about how good he is in the job which I was happy to hear and praised him for.

That’s great! But this would become the subject of an argument soon.

He then continued telling me that a client called him today telling him that the previous woman he reached in the callcenter was not listening at all to him.

My boyfriend assisted him with his questions and sold him something, too.

The client was very satisfied and my boyfriend now told me that he is so proud that he is “better” at this job than the woman the client reached before.

She didn’t quite agree and felt a need to express that right away.

He thinks (without knowing her or the conversation she had) that she obviously is not as good as him since she made the client angry and he didn‘t buy anything from her.

I again praised him for doing such a good job but told him to be careful to compare himself since he does not know the conversation and maybe angry clients not always reflect the complete truth.

For example, I know from my own job experience that sometimes a man does not want to have his problem solved by a woman but by a man instead and there could be a lot of other reasons which have nothing to do with the talent of his colleague.

After this, things soon reached a boiling point.

I think it‘s unfair to now make the colleague look bad just to highlight his performance.

I told him that I find it arrogant to do so and he is mad about it saying I should just praise him and it‘s obvious that he is just better in the job.


Although I agree that he went a bit too far, maybe this wasn’t the moment to share her opinion on the matter.

Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.

A reader shares their opinion.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This commenter shares their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Someone calls her out.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader chimes in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Someone thinks they’re both wrong.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Someone gives her a reality check.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This can make or break a relationship.

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