After This Long-Term Employee Trained A Bunch Of New People, His Manager Started Cutting His Hours, So He Waited For The Right Moment And Quit
by Michael Levanduski
In many cases when people stay at one company for a long time, the management at the company start to take advantage of the fact that the person knows how to do everything.
What would you do if your company was having you train all the new employees and then started cutting your hours to give new people more?
That is what happened to the loyal guy in this story, but he finally had enough and quit, leaving management in a very difficult position.
Check it out.
Give my hours away to a new-hire? I’ll leave you with a store to close yourself, misfiled paperwork and get you fired.
This happened a couple months ago at an old employer.
I worked at a supermarket in my state throughout high school and while in college in the United States making $9 to start and only $10.50 at the end.
The store had 1 Store Manager, 2 Assistant Store Managers, 1 manager and assistant manager per department, which there were 9 departments.
For 5 years, I worked every position there because who knew what hiring was, right?
Understaffing was a regular here, so if a department needed closing and I worked, I had to close it.
From stocking to register to managers duties, everything was game.
They sure keep this guy busy.
My biggest acknowledgements were being a Book-Keeper (Out terms of the person who keeps track of all the money), Monitor (Glorified cashier, basically wrangle the regular cashiers and divvy up cash drawers to each register), Service Desk (Cigarettes, lottery, customers complaints) and store opener/closer.
There were 5 people who knew Book-Keeping, 2 other people besides me and the 2 managers who ran the front end of the store.
There were about 5 monitors who all needed to be trained on Service Desk as well.
Every monitor and Book-Keeper needed to know how to open the store and close it.
For being a supermarket in a town with about 20,000 people, we were severely understaffed.
I worked 12 to 16 hour shifts at least once a week because people would call off all the time.
Keep all this in mind for later on.
I started working here at 16 in high school originally as a stock person.
25 hour work weeks, eventually moved up to 35+ hour work weeks.
Moved up to register, then monitor, then Service Desk and finally Book-Keeping when I turned 18, now 21.
The hours were always good, never had a week drop below 35 hours at least.
But it all changed because of some jerk.
At the start of COVID-19, I was working while in college, so all these guidelines had to be followed.
Everyone needed their toilet paper and hand sanitizer to keep COVID away.
No biggie.
On top of the guidelines, we also had been hiring a copious amount of people.
Bad training makes bad employees.
This store had a history of training new hires with other people who have been working for maybe a month or so.
So, as you could guess, training was a disaster.
But since COVID-19 had the store busy all the time, we needed more people.
I wanted to train people the right way because I got sick of doing other people’s jobs.
In March, we had gotten 4 new-hires to train for my position.
Now these new-hires needed training on the service desk.
Easy, let them run it while I watched and helped out the best I could.
Easiest way to get people to learn.
Most of them needed trained on here because there were 3 of us total, at the time, who could run it.
After training everyone, one per shift at a time over 4 weeks, there were 7 people now ready to mess up the world.
But everyone who knew how to run the service desk needed training on Monitor too.
Guess who had to train everyone for another position?
After another 4 weeks of this, everyone got trained.
Around this time was the end of May.
This is where the juice begins.
The Juice:
Starting in June, we had been starting to lay off the hours since COVID-19 started to slow down.
Hours started to get cut from all the register people, from about 20-30 hours a week to 10 hours max.
We got over staffed and people started quitting left and right.
Not a big deal because those positions were easy to fill.
Why would they cut his hours?
But that’s when MY hours started getting cut.
At the time, the one new-hire who started in March, who we’ll call Helen, had been getting really good hours, I’m talking about MY hours.
We had the same problem, college money, car money, the works and all.
But then I got scheduled for 16 hours one week and they got scheduled for over 35 hours.
Not once since I was 18 did I get less than 35 hours.
So, I decided to confront the Assistant Manager who was in charge of scheduling, we’ll call him Frank.
Me: Hey Frank, I noticed my hours got cut. What’s happening?
Frank: I know, everyone’s hours are getting cut. I have to make room for everyone, ya know?
Me: I couldn’t help but notice that Helen is getting quite the hours, so you made room for her and no one else?
Frank: I was unaware of that, I’ll get you some more hours next week.
The reset of the week was kind of boring since I was a workaholic.
No one called me to cover shifts or anything.
The following week, I asked around to see who covered any shifts last week and it turns out that ALL the new hires got called first.
That kind of upset me off but hey, can’t do anything about it now.
Later that day, I check my schedule and whaddya know?
The same 16 hour week.
I was livid at this point, I should have been honored for my seniority there, not getting passed over in hours.
I went back to Frank and confronted him.
Me: Hey, what the heck is this?! I thought you’d be finding me hours this week, I can’t live off of this.
Frank: Well it turns out that I couldn’t find you hours. I tried calling-
Me: No way you tried calling me, not a single person called me. Instead, all the new-hires got called. What the heck man?!
Frank: There’s nothing I can do, you might have to just find another job.
This really made me angry beyond belief.
I was ready to pop.
But this is when my bright idea came into play.
For a couple days, I searched around for other supermarkets in my area offering jobs.
That is quite a bump in pay.
After about a day of searching, I found a job paying DOUBLE what I made now for the same qualifications.
I gave them a ring and got an interview for the following week.
The following day, I went into work, for what I didn’t know was my last shift, and told Frank what was happening.
Me: Hey Frank, I just wanted to let you know I took your advice.
Frank: Advice? Do you mean finding another job?
Me: You’re right, I hope you have fun!
I will never forget the look on his face.
Completely baffled.
He didn’t expect me to actually find another job so quickly.
This is where my revenge began.
After I walked out of Franks office, I went around doing my usual work.
During every shift, a ton of paperwork needed to be processed in the computer in order to close the store correctly and setup Book-Keeping for the next day.
Fun fact, that day in particular was SNAP-day.
I bet that day is very busy.
For those who don’t know what that is, it’s the day that government funded Food-Stamps arrive on everyone’s EBT card, monthly.
That day I decided to say no thanks to the paperwork and just don’t do anything, I was quitting that day because my anger got the better of me.
The store closes at about 12am, and I walked out of that place as free as can be.
The next day, I woke up to find some really obnoxious and angry texts from coworkers.
I completely disregarded them, unknowingly that they said I worked that morning.
I went down to the supermarket to grab some things for my house and as soon as I walked in the door, every ex-coworker of mine looked at me as if I had just crapped on the floor.
One of them pulled me aside, let’s call them George, and this happened:
George: What the heck bro? I had to cover your shift this morning and you walk in here after that?
Me: I don’t work here anymore.
I continued to get my groceries and talked to one of my closer ex-coworkers there about what happened.
As it turned out, the Frank had no idea that the previous day was my last AND that the ENTIRE front-end of the store had to do extra work.
Since the store closed at 12am and no paperwork was filed, our Corporate called the Assistant Manager, also in charge of making sure all departments are closed correctly, and asked where all the paperwork was.
No idea that I had not filed it, Frank had to go into the store, over an hour away from him, to file all the paperwork himself.
Not only that, tons of violations were given to him because since none of the paperwork got done by the person closing, no one had a record of anything done at the store from the previous day.
Hey – They didn’t want him working, they have nothing to complain about.
On top of everything, the amount of paperwork needed done was practically doubled since that day was SNAP.
As soon as the Store Manager heard about this, she was LIVID.
After about a month, I was working my new job and heard some information about Frank.
Apparently he had to go into a meeting with our Corporate bosses and the Store Manager.
He had gotten fired from his position due to all of this and had not been able to get a letter of recommendation from that employer also.
This is a perfect example of ‘people don’t quit jobs, the quit bad managers.’
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say about it.
Exactly, employees don’t care if it doesn’t impact them.
I think he said that ‘today’ was his last day.
This person says to unionize.
I had never heard of this, but it makes sense.
Yup, they think it saves them money.
The manager only has himself to blame.
But I guess he’s finding that out now.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad manager, COVID, cutting hours, new job, paperwork, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top, work

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