Girl’s Parents Give Her Two Cats And Tell Her That They Are Her Cats, But Years Later When She’s In College They Make Her Choose Which Cat To Keep
by Jayne Elliott
If a parent gives you a pet when you’re a child, is the pet yours to take with you when you’re an adult?
That’s the question in today’s story, and one young college student and her mom do not see eye to eye about the answer.
Let’s see how the story unfolds.
AITA for wanting my cat back
AITA for wanting my cat back.
So context.
My parents decided they wanted to purposefully de house us and live off the land.
In this time my parents bought a white cat for my birthday, and gave the white cat to me on my birthday.
She had multiple cats.
They explained that we would get a kitten so the cats wouldn’t be alone on the land we lived on.
Weeks later we got the calico kitten.
The white cat was having batter issues which through my own research I found out was cause by him not drinking enough water daily.
So I invested my own money as a child into the upkeep of what I was told were my cats.
Fast forward to college, and there’s a lot of family drama.
Years later I moved away for one semester of college and got into a fight with my parents over my choice in living situation.
(I chose to live full time at college and with my other family during the breaks).
My parents kicked me out while keeping my cats.
I argued for two years with my mom before she gave me and ultimately intimidated me into choosing between one of my cats.
She wants both cats.
When we meet to hand over the cat I explained to my mother I wouldn’t give up on my white cat and still wanted him back.
She got angry and boxed me into the parking lot almost taking back the calico.
So am I the jerk for still persisting on my parents giving him back?
It does sound like they’re her cats.
I wonder if she has other family members who could help her reason with her parents.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
This person calls the mother “cruel.”
Another person calls the situation “messed up.”
The parents aren’t being fair.
This reader offers a suggestion.
Everyone is on her side.
I bet her cat wants her back too.
Poor little kitty!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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