February 2, 2025 at 11:55 pm

His Mom Stole Money That A Relative Gifted Him, But Now He’s Feeling Guilty For Wanting It Back

by Kyra Piperides

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Pixabay

When you’re a teen, every cent you can get your hands on is precious, giving you the freedom to do and buy whatever you want.

Especially if, like the kid in this story, you’re not allowed to get a job to earn your own money.

So what would you do if every cent you saved ended up getting taken from you?

Read on to find out what this kid did, and how it landed him firmly on his mom’s bad side.

AITA for blowing up at my mother after she lost my $80?

I am 17, and recently received $100 from a family member overseas on my dad’s side.

When I came back from my trip, I decided to hide my money from my mom.

This was because, in the past when I’ve gotten money, she’s found every excuse to take it from me.

I have a stain on some new pants?

That’s $40.

I forgot to make dinner?

That’s $15.

Yikes! Let’s find out how this plan panned out.

Normally for someone my age, $100 dollars isn’t that big of deal.

But I come from a strict immigrant household where I’m not allowed to get a job, and I never receive money besides on holidays or birthdays.

Considering this, I hid my money in a envelope under my desk.

I had to hide it well considering how much my mother tends to snoop in my room.

Days go by and I end up spending about $20 on food.

I had plans to spend more until I came back from school one day to find out that my mom had done another spontaneous “clean up.”

Uh-oh. Read on to find out what happened to the money he was hiding.

By this I mean that she dug through all my things making a huge mess, then leaving them there for me to pick up.

But surprise surprise, my money wasn’t there.

When I asked my mom about it, she told me that she had thrown out almost everything from that bottom drawer – which was true, as everything from that drawer was gone including my money.

However I’m not sure if I should believe that, considering that my mom often hides my things and lies about throwing them out.

I tried to remain calm as I asked my mom if she might have done anything else with it.

Read on to find out how his mom responded.

In response to this, she began to get defensive and claimed that it was my fault for not telling her where I hid my money.

To this we both began to get more upset.

Keep in mind she had begun to blame me, she refused to apologize and began to go on a rant about how I need to be more responsible, insulted my intelligence and then when asked if she’d pay me back, she refused.

We both began to argue as I then started to berate her with insults and she did the same.

Eventually my mom began to look more and more defeated as I continued to rant about her.

I honestly felt like I was at my breaking point.

When I was done, my mom then gave me the silent treatment for the next few hours although she seemed ok in the morning.

I did apologize, but I still feel guilty – and she keeps bringing it up.


This poor guy has a seriously overbearing mom.

Not only is she extorting him for his money at every opportunity, she’s trying to make him feel bad and like her toxic behavior is his fault, too.

Let’s see what folks over on Reddit thought about this.

This person gave the teenager some solid truths about his mom.

Source: Reddit/AITA

While others called out her abuse for what it was.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Meanwhile, this Redditor gave the teen some practical advice, too.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Taking money from your kids just isn’t okay – neither is guilt tripping them or controlling them.

This poor kid needs to turn 18 and get out of her clutches.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.